Siwon Imagine Titled "You're The One"

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Siwon Imagine Titled "You're The One"

"There she is!" I thought. The girl who attended our last concert last week. The one who captured my heart somehow, is it appearance? It can't be.. the way she smiled at me, holding her poster up just made me feel special. I know I have a lot of fans that do so much for me, but it's something about her that drives me crazy over her. Am I addicted to her? I've been thinking about her since the moment I last saw her. Her image just never leaves my head. I remember the clothes she was wearing and exactly what her poster said. I whispered to myself, "Siwon! I love you, you're my reason to smile, thank you!" She put so much hard work into that poster, I know it because of all the beautiful and colorful designs on it. She wore a black jacket with a plain white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. She doesn't dress fancy at all, I like it. She gave me the hugest smile I ever seen from her when our eyes met. I thought it was really cute. I smiled back at her after I sang a few lines, dedicated to her. Well.. I hope she knows I did. Ahh once again, I'm thinking about her again. I've thought of her more than ten times a day! Everything just reminds me of her. Am I addicted to her or is it because of attraction towards her? If I ever bump into her or see her, I won't let her slip away, I'll be proud to ask her out on a date.

~My Point of View~
"Yah! Hayley, get over here!" I shouted, looking for my twin sister. She came running into the room we share, known as our room.
        "What is it that you're calling me for (YourName)?" Hayley questioned.
        "Where did you put all my Siwon posters and pictures?!" I angrily asked her. I gave her a long stare until she answered me.
        "Here.. it was in the way.. be more organized please!" Hayley pouted at me as she handed me my posters and pictures. A big smile appeared on my face. I took my posters and taped them to the wall. Because we share room, I placed my posters only on one side. I don't have much room left.. my side of the wall is filled with pictures of Siwon and Super Junior. I have one more spot left.. I'm saving it for a picture of Siwon with his signature! If it's possible!
        "Hay's!" I shouted her nickname, "Tell mom I'll be out, I got to go somewhere!"
        "(YourName)! Wait. I got to go somewhere too, I'll just call mom." Hayley replied back
        "Okay.. I'll drive you there then" I offered.

Hayley and I went out for a cup of coffee before doing our own "stuff" I dropped off Hayley at the coffee shop and went for parking space. Always at this hour, it's hard to find parking.

~Hayley's Point of View~
I ordered our favorite (your fav coffee drink) for the two of us. Both of us love it so much.. I guess it's because we're twins? We look so alike! Literally, I almost think there's no difference in between us! We look just almost exactly the same! I look around for an empty table. Ah there's one next to a handsome man! Hehe I can introduce her to (YourName).. I'm a minute older than her! So she's still considered my younger twin sister.

~Siwon's Point of View~
A girl sat at the table next to me. I looked up and felt a familiar feeling in me. Is it really her? The girl that I've been thinking of for a week now? Is it really her? It looks just like her, I can't be wrong. I remember the way she looks, I have no doubts! It's her.. How lucky am I? I tapped her on the shoulders and gave her a smile.
        "Hi, I remember seeing you at my concert a week ago. Do you remember I'm sure you haven't, I really love your sign you made for me. I'm so touched. It's weird for me to say something like this, but I think I want to get to know you more. Let's be friends?" I asked her.
        "Um.. you got it all wrong.." She replied.
        "I know it's all of a sudden, but lately, I couldn't help but to think of you. Your image appears in my head every now and then. I can't get my mind off you since that last concert." I confessed to her.
        "Look.. umm.. S.. what's the name again? Aish.. (YourName) always mentions him.. I've got to give her a call to hurry in! Forget the parking! She'll miss this opportunity to get that signed poster on her wall!" I whispered to myself. "Umm is it Siwon, sir? You've got it all wrong.." I said. (YourName) comes in, cutting me off. Siwon took my hands in his all of a sudden.

~My Point of View~
I dropped my car keys as I saw Siwon holding Hay's hands in his! I'm in shock he's even here.. but I love him! But.. he's holding my sister's hands.. that should be me.. Although we look exactly the same, am I that bad of a person? My personality isn't good enough? This isn't right.. My heart ached.. I shouldn't be blaming my sister. My heart feels like it's about to rip as if people are pulling my heart into all directions! I can't help it, I want to run away and cry in a corner alone.
        Siwon came picking up my keys for me without looking at me. As he handed me my keys, he said, "Miss, you dropped your ke-" He stopped as our eyes met. His eyes turned into confusion. "You.. and.. her.. Exactly the same.." Siwon mumbled.
        "I know! That was what I was trying to tell you!" Hayley shouted at him. I grabbed my sister's wrist to keep her quiet.
        "I'm so sorry for the confusion.. so which one of you attended the concert last week?" Siwon questioned with a little fear in his eyes. Hay's pointed at me and I said, "I did."

Siwon came straight to hug me very tight and whispered, "I'm sorry.. I thought of you all this time ever since that concert, I couldn't stop imagining you, the moment I saw your twin sister, I thought it was you. Forgive me. You know it's not about looks right? If it was, I would have fallen for so many of my fans! I know many people have poster signs like you, but something makes me can't forget you. I really don't know actually.. I just know I love you a lot! I know you're the one, it's just you! I have no reason to it.. Am I attracted to you or addicted to you? You're in all of my dreams lately, you're my first thought in the morning, my last thought before I fall asleep. Maybe I'm attracted to get confused with your sister.."
        "Yah.. you pabo (dummy but not in an insulting way)... are you so proud you finally found me.. or someone who looks like me? If she wasn't my twin sister, you would have never found the real girl who was at that concert. Anyways.. my sign says it all, I love you. Whether you fall for someone else or anything, my heart is still for you. Why are you feeling bad and hesitating.. you're going to be my man right? Don't be feeling sorry.. I understand we look exactly alike but only I have this pure heart for you." I said, trying to push him back. Siwon hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head and whispered, "I love you."

~The End~

Wrote this on Siwon's birthday! hehe so Happy birthday Siwon! I wish you happiness and good health forever and always ~ I know some of you will read this maybe a day later or two weeks or months.. years maybe, it wouldn't be proper to say happy birthday siwon right? Ah so I'll just write that note that i wrote this on his birthday~ I hope you enjoy this imagine! Hehe 

Super Junior ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora