ShinDong Imagine "You And I"

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ShinDong Imagine Titled "You And I"

I did my daily morning jogs at the park a few blocks away from home. Unexpectedly I bumped into someone. Today I feel a bit clumsy! Everything seems different, when they say it's a new day, it definitely is. By the time I finished jogging, I realized I had mixed up my phone with the person I bumped into. It's surprising that we have the same phone and a matching phone case.

~ShinDong's Point of View~

I stood there watching her shyly smile at me, as she repeated the words, "I'm sorry.." in a whisper. She was obviously out of breathe, so I didn't want to make her reach down to get her phone. Without looking I gave her a phone, and picked up the other. I should have realized to check which phone was hers and which one was mine, but I didn't think someone would have the same case as me.

A flash blinded my eyes in the next moment, and I stood there, as she smiled at me before leaving. I walked in a daze, until the phone vibrated. It was only then I realized that this phone wasn't mine.. I looked back, but her figure wasn't there, not even her shadow was left.

~My Point of View~

Suddenly I received a FaceTime call from his mom. I thought maybe he's using his mom's phone to reach the person who has his phone, which is me. I answered, and figured out it wasn't the way I thought it was. She automatically screamed like the happiest thing in her life happened. I stayed silent, as she blurted out, "My ShinDong has finally found a girl!!!"

I figured ShinDong was his name..

~Author's Point of View~

Pictures were spreading.. rumors were made. Everyone thought (YourName) and ShinDong was dating, because they had matching cellphone cases and had the same model phone, which made everyone to believe that it was a couple thing. Truthfully, ShinDong barely knew (YourName), and (YourName) has only heard of ShinDong's name here and there a few times. The dating rumor was outrageous, but for some reason, ShinDong was smiling to see the picture taken of you and him together all over his social media. You sat at your porch, looking up in sky, thinking, "Have I become famous for my clumsiness?"

"How would I face her..? I'll give her a call? But it's so late.. I don't want to wake her up.. but what if my mom calls? Ahh I have to get my phone as quick as possible." ShinDong thought to himself.

~ShinDong's Point of View~

I called my phone, hoping she'd pick up, as I had thoughts of what to say to her. I froze when I heard her voice through the phone, I felt a chill down my back as if I just saw an angel. "If it's not too late, would you meet me at the park? I hope my mom hasn't called.. I've realized I've got the wrong phone.." I said in a low voice.

"I was just thinking about calling you. Yea that would be great." She replied.

I met her at the park, and my smile got wider and wider as I was one step closer to her. Why can't I control my heart beat? We traded our phones, and laughed at our clumsiness. We had a talk, as we were watching the moon shine up in the sky. I have to admit, it felt awkward, and I already knew why. She sneezed, and I've realized she's catching a cold, because I'm keeping her up so late on this cold night. I took off my jacket, and wrapped it around her. I felt proud. I looked at her, who was almost asleep. She swayed from the back to front, as her eyes seemed to be twitching. She's having a hard time keeping herself awake, and I'll let her fall asleep. I gently placed her head on my shoulders, as she was sound asleep. I looked at her, who smiled in her sleep, and realized that my clumsiness, or bad things in general, could lead to something so special. I kissed her cheeks and held her hands, as she was asleep. "Dream well of you and I.." I whispered to her.

~~The End~~

I'm late.. I just want to say happy belated birthday to ShinDong!! I hope you had a great one!!~~

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