KangIn Imagine "My Hero"

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KangIn Imagine Titled "My Hero"


I walked down the streets, feeling like someone was following me. I felt creeped out and scared. I panicked. I tried to walk a little faster and I just kept looking on the floor to see any shadows behind me. I started to run and bumped into someone. The shadow behind me disappeared.

Me: sorry sorry!

KangIn: are you okay?

Me: yea are you okay?

KangIn: be careful, okay?

Me: Thanks

KangIn: seems like you're in a rush to some place? I can take you there if you need.

Me: ah no just there was someone stalking me and I was really scared. The person's shadow disappeared when I bumped into you. I am really scared.

KangIn: how about I stay with you for today? You have no plans right? We can go watch movies together or go shopping.

I look up to see that it's no random person who's asking me all this and who's being so nice to me, but it's KangIn from super junior. I blush to the fact that I've been just blurting everything out and seeming like I'm weak to my bias. What did I just do. Such a bad first impression!

KangIn: is that a yes?

I nod and he puts his arms around me. I smile and look away from his eyes. Suddenly, I have a sense of safety and as if I forgot what fear was. Suddenly, I felt like I had a hero to protect me forever when it was just for the day.

KangIn: what are you thinking of? You haven't really talked to me, what's your name?

Me: why are you being so nice to me?

KangIn: because I know that you're our elf. I want to make you happy the way you make us.

I look down at and realize that I'm holding my phone with my new phone case. My phone case was super junior! Ah that's how he knows, for a second I thought it was creepy. Would he do this to anyone he sees that is their elf?

Me: I'm (YourName)

KangIn: so pretty. Ah can I take a picture with me you?

I smile and held in my laugh.

Me: I'm your fan so aren't I suppose to ask you that?

KangIn: well... What's your instagram?

We take the picture and I have KangIn my Instagram.

Me: now tell me why you needed my instagram.

KangIn: look at your Instagram.

I looked at all my notifications and noticed that KangIn tagged me in his post. His caption of the picture: Cutie with me~ I feel like I'm a hero today, I'll make you feel safe (YourName)! My elf, I love you!

I want to go cry in a corner because of how happy I am.

Me: give me a moment?

I walked across the street where the park was and screamed as KangIn watched me. KangIn came to me and I hugged him tight, I was so happy to the point tears came down. KangIn wiped my tears away and took my hands. He kissed me on my hands and smiled with a wink. I continued to cry in happy tears and avoid to look into his eyes.

Me: are you trying to kill me?

KangIn: Hmm if I'm your hero, I'm saving you. Aren't I?

Someone came running to us and when he was in front of us, he pulled out a knife and tried to stab me but KangIn got in the way and got cut. KangIn still fought with the creeper even with his arms bleeding. He stopped the fight with the creeper when police came to arrest the guy. I ran to KangIn and hugged him.

Me: are you okay?! Why did you so that?! I rather get cut than you!

Now tears of sadness and regret came flowing down. I wish I could have blocked that cut for him!

KangIn: don't cry, I just want to protect you. I'm fine, it's just a cut. It'll heal really fast as long as you're with me.

Me: how are you still saying this? You've just met me, you can't possibly do this much for me, what have I done for you?

KangIn: actually I've stocked you on your fan account and personal account for Instagram for a while now and you've made me realize what love is. You're so nice to everyone and you're always making others happy.

............ I don't know how to reply to him!! Im so out of words. I want to say something but I don't know what to say.

Me: go to the hospital and treat your hands before it gets infected!

KangIn leans in to kiss me on the cheeks.

KangIn: whatever my girl says.

KangIn holds my hands with his uninjured arm. KangIn smiles the whole way there. I kissed him on the cheeks as a way to say thank you and I love you.

KangIn stops walking and turns me so we that we are face to face. He slowly leans in to kiss me.

KangIn: I love you

~The End~

Sorry if there are any mistakes! Thank you for reading(: hope you like it!

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