With Lucinda

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What is your friends name? Lucinda but I call her Lucy. Oh aunty Katelyn told me about a girl called Lucinda and said she was bad, is it the same girl? We are nearly there now. Why are you avoiding the question, it is the same girl isn't it. *you kneel down and look Abby in the eyes.* Your a smart one aren't you, yes it is the same girl but you can't tell anyone ok. Why not? Because Katelyn will kill me. Oh ok i promise i will try not to tell. Abby! Fine I won't tell. Good come on I will give you a piggy back. 

you arrive at Lucinda's house and you panic a little

Why are you freaking out it's just your friend? Yeah um just a friend. Let me guess you are dating her and no one knows because if Katelyn knew you would both be dead. Wow you are really good now hop off my back. I know it is a blessing. Y/N? Oh hey Lucy this is Abby. Hi munchkin. Yeah never call me that again, also i know your dating so you better not hurt her. Yep you are definitely Katelyn's niece go on inside. Y/N she hates me already she has known me for 2 seconds. Luci she is supposed to hate you Katelyn has talked about you she has seen you two fight. Yeah but she doesn't have to hate me. Get to know her, talk about something you both like. Shes six I don't know what she likes. Exactly she is a child you are overreacti- *She pulls you in and kisses you* Sorry that was the only way to shut you up. *You dip her down and kiss her back* Don,'t apologise.*You smirk at her and she smiles back*'

Oi can you two stop kissing and get me something to eat please. Sorry Abby we're coming. Lucinda do yo have any popcorn. Yeah I do actually, do you want some Abby. Ooo yes please, but after we finish can we go to the park. That's a good idea little miss Abby. *You pick her up and spin her around and start dancing* Popcorn's ready, here yo go Abby here you go babe. B-babe? Yeah is that ok? Umm yeah I guess. Aunty Y/N are you ok? Mhm I am fine. Really you are all red. Shush Abby! *Lucinda giggles and looks at you* You where always so easy to fluster it's cute. *You look over at her and smile* Aunty Y/N can we listen to some music while we eat our popcorn. Umm yeah sure, what do yo want to listen to? Can we listen to your songs please? You write songs? Yeah I have done for a while. Oh I didn't know. Is there any specific song you want Miss Abby Yeah can we listen t everybody talks? (I know this isn't an original song full credit to the original artist)

I wrote that one in high school you know. Really it is one of my favourites. Pass me my phone Luci. Here. Thanks, ok google play everybody talks. 

(Sung by Victoria Justice original song by neon trees)

You grab Abby's hand and dance round the living room

Ready Abby here comes the chorus, IT STARTED WITH A WHISPERRRR AND THAT WAS WHEN I KISSED HER. GO ABBY! AND THEN SHE MADE MY LIPS HURTTT I CAN'T EVEN CHIT CHAT! TAKE ME TO YOUR LOVE SHACK MAMA'S ALWAYS GOTTA BACKTRACK WHEN EVERYBODY TALKS BACK!  *You and Abby carry on singing not noticing Lucinda has started to record you.* That was really good Abby. Thank you you have an amazing voice Aunty Y/N but you also have two left feet. Hey I'm not that bad. You can check if you want I got the whole thing on video. Lucinda you did not! I did to come look. *You all watch the video and stat laughing*.Alright alight who wants to go to the park. Yeah let's go now come on. We're coming Miss Abby don't you worry. *You are still giggling to yourself and don't notice that Lucinda grabs your hand on the way out*

Go play Abby we will just be over there ok? Ok, wait Lucinda before I go play. Yeah? If you do anything stupid to her I will hurt you. Oh um right boss. *you start laughing and Abby walks away but keeps looking back and glaring at Lucinda* How old is she again? Six, she won't hurt you. Are you sure bout that she spends a lot of time with Katelyn. True, you better watch your back, by the way she is behind you. Haha very funny. Boo! Agh! Abby don't do that. Haha you should have seen your face. Y/N tell her! Are you really scared of a six year old you big baby. I'll show you. *She grabs hold of your wrist and makes you sit on her lap an kisses your forehead, you go red and start squealing.* Lucinda let go!  Who is the baby now. *You just sit there still on her lap and stare at her and smile.* Dang it you are too cute. Thank you *you kiss her nose then go over to Abby* 

Hey Miss Abby wanna go on the swings. Sure race ya. Hey cheat. Ha I beat you. you sure did come on I'll push you. *You start pushing Abby on the swing and you just start talking about random stuff* Boo! Agh Luci! Told ya I would get you back. You already did before. C'mere you little blueberry. *She picks you up from behind and puts you on the other swing and pushes you* I'm not little. Yes you are to me anyway. Yes but to Aph I am tall. Y/N everyone is tall to Aphmau. Ha you got a point there. 

Hi my loves. Sorry for not posting for a while i was busy and running out of ideas. Anyway to make up for it I wrote a longer chapter if you want me to continue to make them longer please let me know or if you want me to keep them the same length that's fine. Anyway have a god day/night eat food and stay hydrated. Byeeeee!

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