She knows

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I woke up the next morning to find  Nicole and Katelyn still asleep. I carefully made my way out of the room trying not to wake them up and made my way to the kitchen. I made myself some cereal and sat on the couch with my phone.

I scrolled through my messages from yesterday since I didn't check them while I was hanging out with Kate and Nicole. I had a few from Aaron and Lucinda and unexpectedly 3 missed calls from Aph. I decided to call her back because she would usually just stop by if she needed something so this was kinda weird.

"Hey Aph, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I was busy yesterday," I said putting my bowl of cereal on the small table in front of me. "Is Everything ok?" I could hear her moving around a lot so I guessed she was just getting out of bed. "Yeah everything is fine, I wanted to ask if you'd go on the little group date we have sorted out."I was shocked Kate hadn't mentioned anything and it's not like I could bring a date because if I brought Lucinda Katelyn would murder us both.

"Um sure who's coming and when?"I asked ready to take a mental note. "It's tomorrow night at around 8 and everyone is coming and bringing a date accept Lucinda, I still haven't asked Katelyn though but I'm sure Travis her can you ask Nicole for me?" I smiled at the sound of Lucinda's name but quickly snapped out of my trans and answered. "Yeah I'll ask her when she wakes up, both her and Kate are asleep right now." I looked over to the stairs I don't know why it's not like she could see me. "OK, see you then, bye." I said goodbye and hung up the phone picking my cereal back up.

I decided to check my messages from Lucinda and ask her about this whole group date thing.

Luci <3
Hey gorgeous

Hey beautiful how are you?

Luci <3
I'm doing well, and you?

Tired, I just woke up

Luci <3
Aww did I wake you?

To be fair I wouldn't even mind if you did

Luci <3
Maybe you can come over and stay the night ;)

I will definitely take you up on that offer some day, darling

Luci <3
Stop I'm blushing


Luci <3

Oh yeah, what's going on with the whole group date thing? What are we going to do?

Luci <3
Well we can still go just not as dates

Yes but there's one problem
They know I have a girlfriend but don't know who, well accept Aza and kc they know, and they will expect her to be there

Luci <3
You could always say she's busy

True but they will get suspicious

Luci <3
Well we have to tell them at some point love

I know but just hopefully not right now

"Who you texting?" I jumped at the sudden voice breaking the silence. "Mother of Irene Nicole you scared me!" I turned around to face her an amused look on her face. "Sorry, but you still haven't answered me yet." I rolled my eyes and wondered for a second if o should tell her or not. "Hello anyone there?" Nicole waved her hand in my face and I blinked and shook my head. "Sorry still half asleep, I'm not texting anyone." Nicole crossed her arms and stared at me, she clearly wasn't buying it.

Luci <3
You there?

Nicole looked down at my phone seeing the notification. "Luci? Sounds familiar." I quickly moved my phone out of view and panicked a little. "Wait, that was your nickname for Lucinda in high school, are you talking to her?"I let out a quick sigh then nodded. At least she didn't suspect anything. I was wrong, so so wrong.

"You had like a HUGE crush on her in high school didn't you?" I blushed. "Yes but that was high school."I blurted out trying to steer her away before she realised, but alas it was to late. "She's your mystery girlfriend from the song, it makes so much sense now!" I panicked more in worry Katelyn would hear her. "Shhh! Fine yes we are dating but no one else can know Kate will kill us." Nicole nodded and smiled. "So how long have you two been together?" She leaned on the back of the couch with a smirk on her face. "Literally only a week." Nicole was confused. " I know you this isn't like you." I looked at her I didn't see what was wrong. I tilted my head to the side as if to say what?

"You're all flustered over her usually this would only happen at least 4 weeks into a relationship with you." I saw where she was coming from but things can change. "I know but this is different, she isn't like Teony or Terra I don't know  I just feel closer to her than I did with them."

 Nicole shrugged and walked to the kitchen. "Wait if you were dating Teony in high school how did you have a crush on Lucinda too?" I had been asked this question too many times in high school so I just sighed. "Me and Teony only dated when  I was in my freshman year and not even half of my sophomore year because that was her senior year," i paused to take a breathe "and I only started catching feelings for Lucinda a few months after we broke up, which sucked because she was also in her senior year." 

Nicole nodded in understanding while filling the kettle. "Can you make me  cup of tea please?" She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Yes your majesty." She did a little mock curtsy and i just giggled and went back to texting Luci.

Sorry I was talking to Nicole

Luci <3
No problem

Oh yeah, little update Nicole knows

Luci <3
You are really bad at this whole secret relationship thing aren't ya?

Hey you should have seen it coming
Have you seen my other relationships?

Luci <3
Only when you where dating Teony and you didn't exactly try to hide that

Fair enough

Luci <3
How many other people have you dated?

Why you jealous?

Luci <3
No just curious

Uh hub
Well I dated one boy in my old high school then when I started Phoenix Drop High I dated Teony and I dated Terra in college so 3

Luci <3
Didn't she go to our high school?

Yes but I only started talking to her in college through Aph

And the boy?

His name was Jake
I don't like talking about that one
It was forced

Luci <3
Oh that's ok I won't make you
I have one more question though

Go ahead

Luci <3
Who is your favourite?

Says the girl who isn't jealous huh?
You of course

Luci <3

Whats that for?

Luci <3
Nothing, nothing
So about this date


Luci <3
Are we still going to go?


Luci <3
We need outfits
Wanna go shopping later?


Luci <3
Great, text me when you want to go

Will do

Luci <3
Ok I better go
Goodbye my love

Bye darling 😘

Hi my loves! Hehe so I am really bad at the whole keeping you updated thing and I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but to make up for it I wrote a longer chapter I hope you liked it :). Anyway have a good day, night or afternoon dont forget to eat sleep and stay hydrated I love y'all. Byeeeee!

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