My Love pt2

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Previously -  I smiled and kissed her cheek then sat back and passed her the toastie I had made. We sat and ate and talked. I am so lucky to have her I thought. Looking into her eyes nearly getting lost. Then she leaned forward smirking at me.

My face went a bright red and I could feel myself burn up. She let out a small giggle then pushed me back so I was leaning on the arm of the couch and she kissed me. I wasn't expecting it and I was so shocked I sort of sat there for a split second before closing my eyes and kissing her back.

Se smiled at me and kissed me again and again. I took a breathe and giggled before brushing her hair out of her face and kissing her nose. She kissed my neck and pushed me over again. Then I hear a knock at the door."Hello is Y/N Chan home it's Kawaii Chan I have cupcakes."

"Agh it's kc quick get up." I say pushing her off me. "Hide." She gets up but she trips over and I fall on top of her. "Ow!" We both shout trying to get up. I manage to sit up and Lucinda props herself up on her arms but I am still on top of her legs.

"Y/N Chan are you ok Kawaii Chan heard a loud noi-, WHAT THE HECK LUCINDA CHAN, Y/N CHAN!" Kawaii Chan had just walked through the door she must have used the spare key I gave  to Kate. 

I got up and I looked at her. "Kc it's not what it looks like we just fell." Lucinda got up and stood next to me both of our faces red. Kawaii Chan looked at me then Luci over and over then she squealed.

"Eeeeeee Kawaii Chan knew you two would get together, she must make a new shrine eee." She turned to leave the house but i stopped her right before she ran off. "Wait kc you cant tell anyone because if Kate find out we're dead." I say pointing at myself and Luci.

"Don't worry Y/N Chan Kawaii Chan won't tell a soul." She said before quickly scurrying out of the house and shutting the door. I sighed picking up one of the cupcakes she left on the coffee table.

"What did she mean by make another shrine and why does she have multiple?" Luci asked looking slightly concerned. I passed her a cupcake and shook my head. "You don't wanna know." She looked at me and shrugged. "I'll take your word on that one." She said before taking a bite of the cupcake. 

We sat back down and finished our cupcakes and talked for a bit longer. "I'm bored wanna watch something?" I asked picking up the remote and turning the TV on. Luci shrugged and picked up her drink. "Sure what should we watched?" She asked looking at the TV then me. 

I flicked through Netflix for a little while before coming across MHA. "Hey we still haven't finished this wanna watch?" I looked over to Luci and she just nodded passing me another cupcake. I accepted it and put My Hero Academia on we where up to episode 6 of season 1 so we could probably finish the season. 

Lucinda POV:

I yawned and looked at the time it was nearly 4 o'clock. I looked over at Y/N she fell asleep again. She did this the last  time we watched MHA as well she's so cute. She was resting her head on my shoulder and I didn't want to move and wake her.

I sat and watched her for a little bit she smiles when she sleeps it's adorable. She was wearing  a blue oversized hoodie that covered her hands that were nestled under her head. I couldn't help but smile at her I never could she just made me happy. 

I started to get hungry and realised neither of us had eaten dinner yet so I slowly stood up and put a pillow under Y/N's head kissing her nose. She wriggled a little but but didn't wake up. I decided to get McDonald's because it was her favourite so I teleport there so I wouldn't wake her by opening the door.

However of course it went wrong I somehow ended up at my house then the grocery store until I finally got to McDonald's. Y/N was right but it isn't easy you know. I ordered the food and got Y/N a slushy remembering she liked the blue.

I teleport back to Y/N"s house struggling to hold everything. When I get there she was still sleeping so I put the food on the little coffee table and go to wake her up. I walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey Y/N come on wake up I got you food." She rolled over and faced me she smiled and yawned rubbing her eyes. She looked at me deep in my eyes I couldn't move my heart was beating so fast. "Crap she's too cute." She giggled and I realised I said that out loud.

I went so red and she just sat up and kissed my cheek "You mentioned food?" I laughed and handed her the McDonald's she looked so happy the hugest smile on her face just munching away. 

I handed her her slushy so it wouldn't melt and she smiled. "Thank you Luci." I could barely make out what she said because she had a mouth full of chicken nuggets but I assumed it was a thank you. "Your welcome Y/N." I said picking up my slushy I got the red because it was my favourite it was really good. 

After we ate we tried to finish MHA but both ended up falling asleep. She fell asleep first but I didn't want t wake her so I went to sleep too. Her head resting on my shoulder my had resting on hers. Goodnight my love I whispered before drifting to sleep.

Hi my loves hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have't done a POV change in a while so I decided to add it I might do more in the future its nice to see the situation from another characters perspective. Anyway I hope you have a good day/night don't forget to eat and stay hydrated love y'all. Byeeeee!

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