Part 11 (idk what to call it)

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"Come on I will walk you home." Aza said grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch. I couldn't talk I was choking back tears. I just nodded an we walked out the door.I was practically dragging him to my house I wanted to get there as fast as possible so I could scream and cry.

We got to the front door and I scrambled through my keys the tears already running down my face. I finally got the rigt key and I ran inside and straight to my bedroom. I threw myself on my bed and burst out into heavy tears. 

Aaron shut the door behind him and calmly walked to my room and found me shaking on my bed, head in hands, mascara running down my face. He sat down next to me and pulled me closer into a hug. He didn't say anything he just sat there stroking my hair. 

I leaned into him but I was still crying. I suddenly just jumped up and screamed in pain. "WHY ME OF ALL PEOPLE WHY ME IRENE!" I kicked the wall and thew the scattered papers on my desk onto the floor. I let myself fall to the ground on my knees screaming and crying in pain. 

I wasn't physically hurt just emotionally. Memories flooding my brain. My mums face flashing before my eyes. Aaron sat on the floor next to me lifting my head up. "Tell me everything your feeling just spill it all out." 

He knew exactly how I was feeling he knew what I was thinking but I told him anyway. "I can see her." I said looking him dead in the eyes. "I can see the empty beer bottles on the floor,  the men lining up outside waiting for her one after the other walking in and breaking her heart."

He hugged me tight and whispered into the air. "You will be ok she can't harm you anymore your safe." I heard him and I knew this but I didn't feel safe. I had the scars and bruises to reminded me of that awful woman. 

I couldn't look at myself anymore. Most of the scars weren't visible but I could feel them. There were a few visible ones . The ones over my eye and across my stomach. It hurt every once in a while. I would feel them start to bleed after the slightest scratch. But I could always feel the pain it was always there.

Hi my loves! o this is a shorter chapter and I didn't know what to call it. I'm sorry it was so sad but I kinda got carried away. I promise the next chapter will be happier. Maybe more Lucinda fluff. Anyway have a good day/night. Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated. Byeeeee!

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