The park

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"Aunty can we listen to more music? Abby asked leaning over from the swing trying to steal Lucinda's phone. "I'm sorry Abby we can't, because not everyone wants to hear that." She now had Lucinda's phone in her hand and was trying to get her air pods. I was trying so hard not to laugh because she hadn't noticed then Abby grabbed Lucinda's air pods as well. "Hey Lucinda can we get ice cream?" Abby asked smiling at her hiding the phone and air pods. 'Sure there is a shop just there I will get it, what do you want?" I was still trying so hard not to laugh. ""I will just have a mint chocolate chip," Me too." Abby chirped just wanting Lucinda to walk away.

 As soon as she left I giggled and took the phone from Abby. "You need to stop stealing things from her, but  what do you want to listen to." She looked at me while trying to push herself on the swing and shrugged. "Don't worry I couldn't open it I don't know her password, but can I listen to you?" I looked at her she as still trying to push herself on the swing and i laughed. "Hey don't laugh at me I am not as strong as you!" Sh said this with a squeaky voice I just turned o the phone and searched for my YouTube and handed the phone to Abby after connecting  the air pods "Abby are you still trying t push  yourself." I jumped off the swing and started to push her, she handed me the phone so she didn't drop it then Lucinda walked over. 

"Here are your ice creams, wait why do you have my phone?" I laughed an looked at Abby slowing the swing down so she could eat. Lucinda just rolled her eyes and sat on the other swing so she could eat so I was left standing in between them. Lucinda looked at me and asked if I wanted t sit down and I just shook my head because my mouth was full but she grabbed hold of me at sat me on her lap. "Hey you nearly made me spill my ice cream." Abby looked at me an laughed. "Whats so funny?" I asked her staring her dead in the eyes. "You have ice cream on your nose.." She said between licking her ice cream. I wiped it off but started to blush. I tried o stand up once i finished but Lucinda wouldn't let me so I had to wait.  

"We need to head home because I promised Katelyn I would get Abby home before lunch." I try to get up again this time Lucinda let's me but grabs hold of my hand and i  feel my face go a bright red as she looks me right in the eyes and smiles. "Your right we should go it is nearly 12." Abby starts to complain but she soon hops off the swing and holds my other hand and we start to walk back to Lucinda's. 'Ok this is me then." Lucinda kneels down and says goodbye to Abby. "I am still not your friend though you know that right." Abby sad this wit such a serious tone it made me laugh. Lucinda didn't like this so she quickly stood back up and pulled me towards her as if she was going to kiss me. Our lips where a centimetre away but she just smiled and ran inside. "Hey you can't trick me like that!" She stood at her door smiling and blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes picked Abby up because she was practically dragging me away and walked her back to Katelyn's house. 

"Kate we are home." I shouted unlocking the door and shutting it behind me. ""Aright Miss Abby hop down." I lower myself so Abby can jump off my back. "I'm in the kitchen!" I hear someone shout, it was Katelyn. "Hey Kate I kept my promise we are back before lunch, speaking of lunch what you making." I try o see but Katelyn and kc where blocking it. "Kawaii Chan made pancakes and Katelyn sama made smoothie bowls." Kawaii Chan said adding more pancakes to the pile that i just noticed. "It smells really good aunty Katelyn." Abby said trying to snatch one of the pancakes Katelyn noticed and pulled her away to the table.  Abby st there with a pout on her face and her arms crossed. "Hey Miss Abby." I say walking toward or. "You have ice cream on your face you mucky pup," I grabbed a napkin from the pile in the middle of he table and wipe her face. "Y/N Chan can you get Aphmau Senpai please."  Kawaii Chan said while trying to stop the pancake pile from spilling over while she carried  it over to the table. "Ok she's probs in her room." I walk up the stairs and hear Katelyn say "Well she's in for a surprise." I expected to see something weird so I quickly opened the door only to see...

Hi my loves. Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger like this but I'm running out of ideas and needed a way to start he next chapter. Also I'm sorry for not posting it's harder than I thought to post every day originally i had chapters set u ready to post then I guess I just got lazy so sorry. Anyway have a good day/night on't forget to eat and stay hydrated. Byeeeee!

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