Heading Home to Hell

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When Jameson reaches the age of two, he gets sick and tired of being treated worse than dirt for no reason other than he has Magic.

His father figure, Lucifer who is also the King of Hell, who talks to him in his head about life in Hell, about his Queen, a Greater Demoness named Lilith, and heals him after Uncle Vernon and Dudley beat him badly, and, a month before Jamesons third birthday tells him that he can take Jameson away from the Dursleys if he wants him too.

Jameson immediately says yes, wanting to be with someone who actually cares about him and loves him.

Lucifer uses his Magic to bring Jameson from the Mortal Plain to Hell, to him and Lilith. Jameson immediately recognizes Lucifer and runs over to him.

"Thank you for bringing me here Dad. Is this your Queen, my new Mum?"

"That's right Jameson. If you want to, the two of us could blood adopt you. You will be our son in every way. You won't look like your birth parents anymore, but like us."

Jameson doesn't even think about it before saying yes. His birth parents abandoned him because his brother became famous overnight, so he wants nothing to do with them.

Lucifer and Lilith head to where they prepared the ritual and do it, purging Jameson of his mortal blood and replacing it with their own, immortal blood. His appearance changes to look exactly like Lucifer with Lilith's black hair and red eyes.

When his wings sprout, it immediately becomes clear to the Royal couple that their blood adopted son is even more special than they ever could've hoped.

The top half of his wings have red feathers, and the bottom half are black Demon wings. This has never happened before, but Lilith and Lucifer couldn't be happier for their adopted son.

They go back to the Mortal Plain, to Gringotts, so that they can officiate the blood adoption and set up several decent investments for their son.

Griphook happily helps them after heading about the newly renamed Zepar's childhood.

"Your birth father will have been alerted to your blood adoption, and will be looking for you. What would you like me to do about it?"

"Prevent him from finding out. I want them to be surprised when I go to Hogwarts as Zepar, Prince of Hell, not Jameson, brother to Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived."

"Good plan my little Prince. Now, let's finalize this adoption and opening of a Vault for you."

After all that is finished, Lucifer and Lilith decide to take their Prince shopping. They get him an entire new wardrobe, with only the finest materials, all fit for a Prince.

They also get him screeds of books and other things that he'll need for the Wizarding World when he rejoins them at age eleven.

Zepar is having such a great time with his new parents. He loves them so much already, heart and soul.

When all the important shopping is done, Lucifer and Lilith decide to ask their Prince what he wants to get, and he answers with,

"A pet please."

Lucifer and Lilith are more than happy to grant their little Prince's request. They take him to a couple of different pet shops before he finds a Hellfire Phoenix, the perfect bird for him.

Lucifer and Lilith pay for the bird and all its supplies before the family of three head to the ice-cream parlour to get some ice-cream, something that Zepar has never had before.

The family is enjoying the ice-cream that they've ordered, when a commotion happens outside.

Zepar only needs to glance up to know what's happening.

"It's Harry. He's probably here with James and Lily."

Lucifer and Lilith smile discreetly at the fact that Zepar used his birth parents' first names rather than calling them Mum and Dad.

"Do you want to talk to them at all Zep?"

"No thanks Mama. I don't want to interact with them until I turn eleven."

"Alright my little Prince. Now, is there any other shopping you'd like to do before we head home?"

"No. I've got everything I could possibly want Mama."

Lilith and Lucifer smile before taking their sons hand and leading him to a specific point in Diagon Alley where they draw a Pentagram and use it to transport them to their castle in Hell.

"It's time to introduce you to the Demons. They need to know who you are."

"Okay Papa. Can I get changed into some new clothes first?"

"Of course. Meet us back here in a few minutes."

Zepar rushes off to his new room and picks out a nice, simple, but good looking dark green t-shirt and dark blue jeans.

His shirts are tailored to his wings and will continue to be as he grows up.

He brushes and styles his hair into a slightly messy, but still neat style before going to meet his parents.

He thinks about how kind Lucifer and Lilith have been in the short time he's been with them compared to how mean the Dursleys were in the two years he was with them.

He brings himself out of his thoughts as his father announces his new name to the assembled Demons.

He steps forward, spreading his wings as he does so, showing off slightly.

His parents smile at him and spread their wings, showing where he got each of the special aspects of his wings from.

The Demons chant,

"Prince Zepar, Prince Zepar!"

Zepar smiles happily, his wings fluttering a little bit.

"Now, my Demons, my son will need to be trained in all aspects of his powers. Do I have some volunteers to teach your Prince?"

Several Demons put their names forward, and after Zepar's third birthday, he starts training in all manner of different, Demonic powers, such as Soul Contracts, Shadowing, controlling Demons, sensing peoples motives, reading minds through even the toughest shield, shielding his own mind from the best mind-readers, controlling his other Magic, and a whole lot of other things.

He loves his new teachers and his lessons, and every night, his parents sing to him so he can sleep amongst the screams of the dammed, which become background noise as the years go on.

He loves his new life so much more than the one he had before and he wouldn't trade it for the world.

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