Friendships are nurtured, and meddling Professors are taught their place

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Over the first few months at school, Zepar, Draco and Harry become inseparable between classes. Where one is, the other two are undoubtedly not far behind, or are nearby.

Harry changes his views on Magic in general after hearing how Lucifer taught Zepar and Draco.

"I agree with your father Zepar. Magic is Magic, and only intent should determine if it's Light or Dark."

Draco and Zepar are happy with how far their new friend has come in only a few months.

Professors Dumbledore, Lord Potter and Lady Potter are watching them closely.

"That Morningstar Heir is strange. His Magic feels familiar, but different. Jameson was either killed by Petunia or blood adopted without our permission all those years ago."

"I told you that it wasn't a good idea to leave Jameson with Petunia. Oh well, nothing can be done about that now. But you are right James. His Magic does feel very familiar."

"I'll see if I can get in contact with Lord and Lady Morningstar. Could you two do some research on Lucifer and Lilith in your spare time? Maybe if we can figure out something about those two, then we can figure out something about their son."

The three grownups turn back to the three boys who are studying one of James's DADA assignments, not knowing that Zepar has heard everything they've said.

"Draco, the professors are trying to find out about my family. If they find out Mum's infertile, then they might connect the dots about me."

"I'm sure they won't Zepar. Mum and Dad think you're dead, killed by Petunia when we were three."

Harry was told the truth about Zepar and his origins a few weeks after becoming friends with Draco and Zepar. He swore he wouldn't tell his parents.

"Really? They just gave up on me that easily?"

"Yeah. They only care about me and my status as the Boy-Who-Lived. I'm sorry about that by the way Zepar."

"It's not your fault Harry. You had a burst of accidental Magic just as Moldyshorts cast the Killing Curse."

The trio turn the conversation to happier things, and a few minutes later, Ash appears with a letter to Zepar and Draco clutched in his talons.

"Thank you Ash. Did you have a nice flight?"

Zepar asks his familiar.

"I had a wonderful flight. Feels good to stretch the old wings. Your parents are happy with how well you and Draco handled the nosey Headmaster."

Zepar translates this for Draco and Harry before taking the letters from Ash, feeding him some raw meat, and sending him off.

Zepar opens his letter first.


No doubt Ash has told you how proud we are about how well you handled the Headmaster.

Glad to hear you and Draco are doing so well in your classes, and glad to hear your birth brother hasn't told your birth parents the truth.

However, your mother and I are both a bit worried about what you've said about how the Headmaster and the Potters trying to find out about us.

Be careful Zepar.

We love you with all our beings

Mum and Dad.'

Zepar smiles at the letter before putting it in a special folder that he's made specifically for the letters his parents send him while he's here at Hogwarts.

He's created one for every year that he'll be here.

Draco adds his own letter to the folder before the three of them turn back to their schoolwork.

Draco and Zepar help Harry with their Potions homework, since he seems to be struggling a little bit with that.

"Thanks guys. We should do this more often."

"We really should. Meet us here tomorrow, same time?"

"Sure. See you then."

The Potter Heir leaves, heading to Gryffindor Tower, while the Morningstar and Malfoy Heirs head to the Dungeons.

Meanwhile, up in Professor Dumbledore's office, Lily Potter has found out about Lilith's infertility.

"So Zepar can't be hers unless she and Lucifer blood adopted. But who would they blood adopt and why?"

"I have an idea about who and why. When we left little Jameson at Petunia's, we assumed she'd changed. What if she hadn't and Jameson's Magic reached out, trying to find help? This may have caught the attention of Lucifer and Lilith. Then, on his third birthday, they took him from the Dursleys, blood adopted him, changed his name and appearance completely, and raised him as their own."

"That is plausible. We would have to get a sample of Zepar's blood and have Severus brew a Blood test Potion for this theory to have any credibility though."

"Severus is already halfway through the Blood test Potion. It shouldn't be too hard to get a sample of Zepar's blood."

"I'll do that. I've got DADA with him tomorrow. Hopefully he doesn't know about this."

At that moment, the floo flares into life, and out steps Lord and Lady Morningstar.

"Our son wrote to us, expressing that you three are trying to find out about the two of us."

"That's right. Zepar's Magic feels familiar to Lily and I, and we want to know why. You are infertile Lilith, so Zepar isn't yours by birth, but by blood adoption. Who was he?"

"None of your business. He is our son through and through, he is the Prince of Hell, and has several Angels on his side, should he ask for help. It wouldn't fare well for any of you to try crossing him, or us."

"Please, Lord and Lady Morningstar. I just want to know if you blood adopted my youngest son. I deeply regret leaving him with my muggle sister, I should've known that she hadn't changed."

"It's Zepar's choice as to whether he tells you who he was or not. It's not our secret to tell. If you want him to trust you, you need to earn it. And fair warning, he doesn't trust easily.

He already trusts your son completely, as he has told him the truth. Your son will not speak to you of it however. Do not force our son to speak with you. If you do, we will know about it, and will have you arrested for child harassment before you can blink."

"I understand Lord and Lady Morningstar. May I ask, what is Hell like? I'm merely curious."

Lilith reads Lily's mind, finding no ulterior motives, and the Morningstar couple spend a few hours telling the Potter couple and the meddling Headmaster about Hell.

"So, Demons aren't completely evil then."

"Nope. Well, most of them. You do get the odd nasty one, like Azazel, but he's been a grouchy bastard since his plan to use the younger Winchester as a pawn failed."

After that, the group breaks up, the Morningstar's heading back to their Manor, the Potters heading to their quarters, and Dumbledore to his quarters, thinking about the mystery that is Zepar Morningstar.

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