Shopping for Hogwarts, and a safer Wizarding World

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About a year after the Morningstar family arrives at the Mortal Plain, Zepar receives his Hogwarts letter.

He is so happy at being able to go to Hogwarts with Draco, whom he's been growing closer to over the last year. The two of them are almost constantly back and forth between Morningstar Manor and Malfoy Manor over the last year, with them considering both Manors their home.

Narcissa and Lilith have become really good friends because of this and they've found that they have a lot of common interests despite Lilith being an immortal Greater Demoness, and Narcissa being a mortal Witch.

Lucifer and Lucius have bonded over politics and have pushed their ideas for new laws and changes for old laws together.

They've also pushed for children who have two muggle parents to be brought into the Magical World before they can grow attached to their parents to prevent abuse situations, and the memories of the parents and siblings wiped so they forget all about having that child, to prevent muggles finding out about the Wizarding World, but only if the parents take the fact that their child has magic badly. The parents are monitored during the first few years of their child's life, and if the parents react badly when their child starts showing signs of accidental magic, then the aurors move in and prevent the child from being abused in the future.

The Ministry isn't too thrilled about that idea, but after a few muggleborns come forward with tales of abuse with the scars to prove it, the Ministry agrees to try it.

Lucius and Lucifer also use their fortunes to build a Magical Orphanage and a Magical Primary school, where Magical children can learn about both the muggle and Magical Worlds from a young age, so that by the time they get to Hogwarts, Ilvermorny, or Beauxbatons, they have a basic knowledge of how to read, write essays, all the stuff that muggle children learn, but with a Magical twist.

Throughout all this, Narcissa and Lilith have taken their sons to Diagon Alley to get their school supplies, well, their wands, robes and Potions kits due to Zepar already having all the books he'll need for the next seven years, and Lilith has copied them for Draco to use despite Narcissas protests.

Draco and Zepar have agreed that they'll share Ash, Zepar's Hellfire Phoenix familiar to send letters to their families.

When they come to get Draco and Zepar's wands, they find that Harry, Zepar's birth brother, is there already, getting his. The quartet wait outside, Zepar not wanting to confront his birth family just yet, instead, wanting to wait until he's actually at Hogwarts, where he'll have an unknown advantage.

When the Potters exit the shop, Lily and James sneer at Narcissa and Lilith, causing Draco and Zepar to scowl at them, but Harry smiles at the both of them, waving discreetly before mouthing 'see you at Hogwarts', to the pair before his parents pull him away.

"Maybe there is hope for my birth brother after all, huh Draco."

Zepar had told Draco the truth a few weeks after they became friends, and Draco said to him that he doesn't care who his birth parents are, he is Zepar Morningstar, son of Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar, Prince of Hell, to Draco. That caused a lot of relief for Zepar and increased the strength of the boys' bond.

"Maybe, maybe. Now, let's get our wands."

As it turns out, Zepar has to have a custom-made wand, using one of Ash's tail feathers as a core, rubies and obsidians to balance it out, and duel woods. One is Rainbow wood (go the LGBTQIA2+ community) and Bloodwood.

The wand takes a couple of hours to make, so the quartet get some lunch at the Leaky Cauldron, and pick Draco and Zepar's school robes up. Zepar's of course, have to have special holes cut into the back due to his wings.

Draco asked him about them quite soon after they became friends.


"Hey, Zepar, if it's not too rude, why do your wings have a feathery top but a leathery bottom?"

"I don't know. I think it might be because Dad is a Fallen Angel, and Mum is a Greater Demoness."

"They look awesome. Can you fly?"

Zepar had demonstrated his flying ability for his new friend that day, and many more days onward.

Flashback end

Zepar brings himself out if his memories as Draco pulls him along back to the wand shop so they can see Zepar's wand.

It's beautiful. The rubies and obsidians are winding around the entire wand in opposite directions, creating a beautiful pattern, and the two woods contrast beautifully with each other.

"This is one of the most powerful wands I've ever made. Use it well."

"Thank you sir. Mum, can you pay this lovely man?"

Lilith pays the wand maker almost three times as much as he requested for the wand, leaving with the boys before he can give back most of what Lilith paid.

After that, the quartet head off back to Morningstar Manor, where Lucifer and Lucius are drawing out a new law for the treatment of Werewolves.

Lucius looks up at the sound of the Floo.

"Hello everyone, how was your shopping trip?"

"Great. We got the boys their equipment and robes. Zepar got a custom-made wand. It's got Rainbow wood and Bloodwood, with rubies and obsidians, and one of Ash's feathers as a core."

"That's amazing. Can we see?"

Zepar takes his wand put of it's holster, make from Manibus Demon skin and resistant to all spells and gravity.

Lucifer gasps at how beautiful the wand is.

"That is a beautiful wand my son. I can sense the pure power coming off this wand. You are going to be as powerful as your mother and I, if not more by the time you're sixteen."

Zepar smiles at the praise. Even all these years later, he still gets so happy when someone praises him, which is something left over from his birth parents abandoning him and his biological aunt and uncle abusing him.

Lilith hugs her husband, who finishes writing the law that he and Lucius want passed, by signing it with a flourish.

It outlines how that not all Werewolves wanted to be bitten and hate not being able to work or get a decent education because of something they didn't want in the first place.

Their plan is to guilt the rest of the Wizengamot into passing the law with the wording and even asking a couple of Werewolves to speak about their experiences.

Their new law passes with flying colours, and by the beginning of September, all Werewolves have a steady supply of Wolfsbane, which Lucifer has reviewed and improved so that the Werewolves only need to take it the day of the full moon, an education and jobs.

So many Werewolves are so much happier, and send thank yous to Lord Malfoy and Lord Morningstar.

Both Lords are happy that they have made such a difference in the lives of the Werewolves. They plan on making such a difference for all Magical Creatures.

Zepar and Draco, whose bond has been growing stronger and stronger with each passing day, are both happy that their fathers are determined to make such a difference in the Wizarding World, for not only the Magical Children, but for the Creatures as well.

"I'm glad our parents are getting along so well. It'd be awkward for us if they didn't."

"Me too Draco, me too. You know, I hope we end up being Mates when we turn sixteen. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my Mate."

"Same here Zepar. You know everything about me, and I know everything about you, even that you were born a Potter."

Both boys smile at each other, before continuing to label their robes and other clothes and putting their books in their trunks, getting ready to head to Hogwarts in just a few weeks time.

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