1 - fabric and threads

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"are you satisfied with an average life?"

-Are You Satisfied — Marina- 0:41

The day was warm and humid, rain brewing in the sky while leaves flew around. It was the beginning of fall in Inazuma, the cold beginning to nip at everyone's fingers. I was running around while pulling a haori on over my usual summer attire before heading out to do the daily chores. The first things I had to do where pricey orders from the Yashiro Commission; ceremonial clothing with beautiful flowered pins and high price textiles that had to be sourced from outside nations. I sighed. My work couldn't be done without the fabric, much less needles that weren't thin enough for such detailed designs that Ayaka decided were necessary.

Kamisato Ayaka and I were good friends; originally affiliated through work, then united with our hate for the Vision Hunt Decree and we became close over time. Ayaka frequently gave orders to the shop I worked for and told  the Kamisato Clan to buy from here instead of other prominent stores in the city. 

As I left the house I started to walk towards the fabric merchants; I needed cloth from over seas. I soon was directed to Ritou, where the island immigrants were usually kept on(forced to stay, really).

"The international traders are there, one of them sells fabrics from Liyue, just the ones you need," The lady had said pointing in the direction of a path from Inazuma City to the small island.

The trek to the island took half the day and once there I was required to present my citizenship documents in order to be let inside.

"Really? If I'm coming from Narakumi I'm obviously a citizen..." I grumbled at the soldiers.

"Miss [name] I advise you watch your tone, this is standard procedure done for the safety of Inazumans, to catch criminals," One of the guards stood straight and looked at me with distaste.

I returned the sentiment, "Criminals? I think you mean resis-"

The other guard shifted, then gripping his weapon, so I stopped my words short. I let out a puff of air and snatched my documents back while stalking away.

I walked onto the grounds of the immigration station that was this Island felt bitter, a sign of the Shogun's grip on her people. But, regardless, I soon found the merchant the lady had talked about and began to strike up a conversation for bargaining the price of silks and high quality overseas fabrics. Yet, I was soon interrupted by no one other than the woman who issued the patterns.

"Hello [last name]," Ayaka said, a sweet smile on her face.

I smiled and waved letting out a little "hi". However, I noticed a person standing next to the Kamisato. They were wearing quite the odd outfit, clad in white and gold, with black pants and a short shirt. Ayaka seemed to notice my gaze and rushed to introduce the individual.

She elegantly held her hand out in reference, "This is Aether, he is a traveler from afar. Right now he is helping me on a journey to acquire materials for a kimono."

I nodded and then hit my forehead, "Is it the fabrics from this guy?"

I brashly pointed behind her at the man. He started to smile while rubbing the back of his neck, uncomfortable with the turn of conversation.

He started, "I'm sorry but the textiles we have from overseas are nowhere to be found. Apparently, they've been stolen."

Aether's eyes sharpened and he seemed to be listening more closely. The boy asked for details with Ayaka while I tried to stop myself from holding my head in frustration. I came all this way for nothing. And now Ayaka and the traveler wanted to get back the fabrics from bandits. The day was only going to get longer from here.

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