10 - love, fingers and heart wringers

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I think I'm scared (I think I'm scared)

I don't know why (I don't know why)

Just leave the lights on and close the blinds

Because I'm a scaredy-cat

(Please) no more heart attacks

-Scaredy Cat—DPR IAN-0:16

Sangonomiya Shrine shined as I walked up to its doors to meet up with Kokomi and Nozomi. They stood outside on the deck and I rushed to them with my arms wide open.

Nozomi wrapped her arms tightly around me and squeezed my frame gingerly. She whispered to me.

"I was so worried."

I hugged her back and replied, "I missed you too, Nozomi."

Kokomi rushed in after Nozomi had removed herself and held my face in her hands.  

"I missed you, Kokomi."

Her arms wrapped around me and she said, "I missed you too, [name]."

When they pulled back, Nozomi smiled, "Have you come back with the things you set out to get?"

With a sigh, my body slouched, "Yes."

I pulled my bag from my back and opened it to show the scores and scores of Sango Pearls I picked from their shells underneath the shrine. Nozomi gasped and put a hand to her mouth.

"Dear Enkanomiya..."

I put the rucksack on my back, then leaned in and whispering to Kokomi, said, "I need to talk with you.

The Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island dropped me off at the Grand Narukami Shrine, bowing to the High Priestess of Narukami Island before vanishing into mist. Kokomi had transported me here dangerously, but no fighting was allowed on the grounds of the shrine so she was free to come and go. Yae Miko, the High Priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine nodded to Kokomi and then looked over to me.

An amused smile played on her lips as she greeted me.

"Welcome, who might you be?"

Her pink lips parted to show her sharp teeth smiling at me. I gave a tight lipped smile back and bowed my head. My demeanor was curt and I was, quite frankly, terrified of this woman.

"I am [name] [last name], a temporary resident of Sangonomiya Shrine."

Her purple eyes glinted with curiosity, "Temporary?"

I nodded and looked up at her, "I am from Narukami Island, but work on Watatsumi."

Yae hummed, "Interesting. Come inside."

I followed the priestess into the shrine's courtyard, then into a room on the right. I stopped before we entered to admire the Sacred Sakura. Yae motioned for me to follow quickly. Once I followed her into the room a shrine maiden shut the door from outside. Miko sat down on the tatami mats in the room, legs folded under the wooden table that rested in the center of the room. I cautiously folded my legs under me and sat down opposite of her.

Her elegant hands intertwined and rested underneath her chin, "I understand you have questions for me?"

I inhaled deeply, preparing myself, "Yes, I would like to hear what you know of an ailment of mine."

The pink hair atop her hair bounced as she chuckled, "All this way from Watatsumi, traveling with the leader of the resistance to ask me about your ailment? It must be important."

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