4 - new beginnings on Watatsumi

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"Nobody, Nobody, Nobody,

Nobody, Nobody"


The water glistened under the hot sun as the wave rider was piloted towards Watatsumi Island. Surprisingly enough, the boat did all the work for me, it even had a map in the inner cabin that showed me exactly where I was. I simply piloted it in the right direction, no sweat.

The shore of the large island was no more than 100 meters away and I noticed it wasn't just an island, it looked like a huge crater. Once I got closer I noticed that Sangonomiya Shrine was located right in the center, coral surround it like a flower in bloom. I slowed the wave rider down and walked to shore. My outfit for traveling was a much like that of the Naganohara Fireworks prodigy Yoimiya, so I only got my shoes wet. At the shore a group of soldiers were there to escort me. One of them was exceptionally keen on my arrival, he kept asking questions about my work.

"Ms. [name], you're here to design new uniforms right? How are you going to do that?" The brown haired kid asked me with a large smile while walking.

I looked around at the scenery as we walked down to the village below us, "I don't know yet. I'll probably look around at the scenery of Watatsumi or at the Shrine and go from there."

His eyes literally sparkled, "Wow! What do you need us to do for you so you can make them more easily?"

I thought for a moment and brought my hand to my lip, shrugging, "Come to your measuring appointments on time?"

Another soldier behind me coughed and the boy next to me smiled with a light blush on his cheeks, "We've never had to get measured for our current uniforms, so this is a surprise."

I laughed a bit, "Well I don't know you all individually and I measure for all of my clients, this is just a big project."

A soldier came up on my other side, catching my attention, "Sorry about Ryuji, he tends to ask a lot of questions."

I giggled, "No, it's no trouble. I like it when people ask about my work, it's... refreshing. No one on Narukami asked me at all they just... commissioned me?"

The guy smiled apologetically, nodding at me before looking forward once more. The boy, Ryuji, gasped and stopped, immediately standing up straight. The two other soldiers stopped, gathering my attention to what they were looking at.

In front of us was the village and at the entrance two important figures; one clad in blue and white while the other in army gear. They both perked up when they saw me. The woman smiled while the man stayed serious.

Outstretching her hand out to motion toward the shrine, the woman spoke, "Welcome to Watatsumi Island, [name]."

I nodded and smiled back.

She moved her hand to the large blue bow covering her chest, "I am Sangonomiya Kokomi, the divine priestess of Watatsumi Island."

Kokomi looked to the shorter man next to her, waiting for an introduction. He nodded and stepped forward. I noticed his ears atop his head as they twitched from time to time.

His blue eyes stared straight into mine as he introduced himself, hands behind his back, "General Gorou of the Watatsumi Island resistance, ready and waiting."

I nearly stumbled at his formality, but I bowed forward with my head to the two, "I am [name], a designer as well as seamster from Narukami Island. It's a pleasure to meet you after such a long time."

"The pleasure is all ours."

Kokomi, who sent me the letter, hummed and gestured for me to follow her. Gorou waited for me to come close enough and fell into step beside me, allowing the priestess to lead. We passed by the houses in the village and everyone came to say "hi" to Kokomi and Gorou. Some looked at me funny, but none asked questions. After nearly thirty minutes we reached the exit toward Sangonomiya Shrine.

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