11 - seal

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I'm liquid smooth, come touch me too

I'm at my highest peak, I'm ripe about to fall

How I feel this river rushing through my veins

With nowhere else to go, it circles 'round

-Liquid Smooth-Mitski-1:48


The sky was purple as I stormed away from the shrine. My hands were hot and red as I stormed out of the Grand Narukami Shrine with rage bottled in my body. My Vision, which now sat on my hip, glowed brightly. An air of electricity followed me as I rushed to leave, not caring for my unkemptness nor my rucksack that laid forgotten with Yae Miko.

My feet hit the ground hard and shrine maidens moved away, watching in silence as I walked down the steps from the shrine. As my body heated up it started sparking, going unnoticed by me, but not by those whom I brushed going down the mountain. A series of curses were heard until a harsh hand grabbed my arm.

The grip was firm and I was quickly taken away, back to the Shrine, to the Sacred Sakura. It's bright glow shined down on the night that encapsulated the Shrine. Yae Miko's pink hair brushed the top of my head as she pushed me to sit down, ignoring the heat that radiated off of my skin. She worked rather quickly as I sat and stared at the mesmerizing tree. Her hands took a piece of rectangular paper and pressed it to the tree's blue bark, transferring the same color to the paper. After a minute of concentration Yae took the paper and pulled down my shirt, placing the glowing blue paper to the fingerprint on my collar.

When she did this the heat inside my chest stopped, the burning in my hands subsided, and the rage dissipated. A cool sensation spread across my skin that made me shiver. I stared at the Sakura, feeling my heartbeat next to the thrum of the paper.

Yae placed her hands on my shoulders, "How do you feel?"

I looked at her, "Cold."

"That's better?"


She removed her hands and looked up to the tree in front of us, "I'm sorry for that."

"I put a seal on you," she continued.

I tilted my head, "A seal?"

She nodded, "It prevents the effects of the mark from reaching you. You don't seem to have control over the fingerprint."

"Can you teach me?"

My eyes were wide as I looked into the purple ones of the priestess. Her face was somber when she assessed mine.

She smiled sadly, "There is not real way to control a Lovers Fingerprint, it's not a normal connection after all."

Yae put a hand on my head.

"There is one way to steady it, however."


The sunset was bright and beautiful on top of the mountain. Yae Miko had left me here on neutral ground after relaying the most unwanted solution to me. She knew I needed time to sort out my thoughts. My mind ran through at least twenty different situations, but none of them compared to the one I was stuck in now.

"You need to form a bond with him. A special bond that will mediate your emotions after you get to know each other."

I groaned internally at the thought of being intentionally intimate with Scaramouche. The ambiance of the Inazuma landscape did not ease my stress.

Heat Lighting [Scaramouche | Reader]Where stories live. Discover now