18 - the burning plane of euthymia

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A purple haired woman's eyes shot open as she felt the Plane of Euthymia open in the space around her. An energy level that mirrored her own. She frowned. No mortal can open a Plane without godly help. She stopped her meditation and polearm materialized into her palm. Her floating position fell as she landed on her two feet. The weapon, light in her palm, crackled with lightning.

Then, she heard it.

A person was screaming. The woman's eyes snapped toward the noise and caught sight of a young woman clutching at her chest. She was glowing brightly with her body quivering. After a few seconds the purple-haired woman's polearm spun wildly as a wave of energy alerted her to just what the girl was doing here. She kicked off of the ground and charged at the woman a mere 50 meters away, eager to get rid of what she viewed as a threat.

The energy flowing off of the young woman was unnatural, burning. She was not meant to be here. She was a threat to eternity. The purple glow that pulled off her chest and how it meshed with the orangey glow on her arms was not correct. It wasn't right. The only thing on the purple-haired woman's mind was that she had to eliminate her before she was wasted away by the building energy.

But before she could swing her polearm down on the crying woman a porcelain hand stopped her, carefully maneuvering her away from the poor woman.

"Stop, Ei."

The woman with the polearm, Ei, pulled back and with wide eyes found Yae Miko in front of her. A stern hand and serious expression spread in the space to stop the god from hurting the girl sobbing on the ground. Ei lowered her weapon and vanquished it only to cross her arms defensively. Yae Miko was not supposed to be here, she was supposed to managing the Narukami region. So why was she here of all places?

"What are you doing here, Miko," Ei snapped.

Yae rolled her eyes, "Don't act like you're not happy to see me."

"I'm not."

"Ouch, that stings," Miko gave her a feline smile.

Their playful banter was interrupted by a wave of energy from the young woman behind Yae Miko. With a quick swish of her pink hair, Miko was at the girl's side stabilizing her in her arms. Ei frowned. Who was this woman? Miko seemed to care for her quite a bit. Ei watched as the priestess wrapped her arms around the girl's back to console her and attempt to stop the excessive energy waste that poured out of her. Her attempts were feeble in the face of the energy that continued to shudder throughout the Plane of Euthymia. The orange and purple began to singe at Miko's clothing and eventually her hands, but still she held on. She was trying to pull the girl out of her trance.

Ei watched as Miko's strength started to wither away in the presence of this woman's energy.

How is this possible?

Miko was a centuries old Kitsune, a god's familiar. She had power beyond human comprehension and as far as Ei could tell this girl was human. Yet, as the energy flowed across the domain Ei felt the presence of a god's power, or at least a higher being. With each look the girl looked more and more normal until a glowing mark across her chest pulled Ei back to reality.

The woman's purple locks whipped wildly as she ripped Miko from the girl and gripped her shoulders. The god frantically looked into her lover's eyes and a desperation hid inside her own.

"Miko, why is there a Fingerprint on this girl," Ei's voice was stern and authoritative.

Yae stared into Ei's eyes for a moment before answering, "He left it on her."

Ei dropped her hands to her sides, "How? Why? When?"

She was trembling. He was still active. He knew godly techniques even though she abandoned him all those years ago. Why?

Yae put her hand comfortingly on Ei's shoulder, "Accidentally. He meant to track her about two months ago because well you can see why, and ended up botching it and creating a Fingerprint connection between the two of them. She came to me for help and the only way I could was to seal it and send her back with him when they confronted each other in a fight. He removed the seal and the mark only got worse."

She sighed with a sad smile, "He's just as bad with communication as you, you know."

Ei wobbled a bit before dropping to her knees, "I thought he was gone."

"He's wide awake and very much alive."

Ei sneered at Miko's comment, "You know this isn't good. Him being like me makes things worse."

"Yes, I know, but we need to to fix the present issue at hand. If [name] loses any more energy she will lose her life," Miko concentrated on the bigger picture as Ei nodded absently.

Yae Miko gathered purple electricity into her palms and Ei took her sword out of her chest. The only way to prevent an energy overload from killing someone was to meet that energy with an equal amount of force. It didn't matter how [name] made her way into the Plane of Euthymia now, it only mattered that they saved her from certain death. The purple light absent from the domain lit up brightly and lighting struck as both women sent their most powerful attacks in the young woman's direction. They missed [name]'s body by an inch but cut right through the energy surrounding her body, quickly dispersing it before it stopped moving for a second. The red and purple hues hung for a second in the air and then were sucked back into the girl's body to which she went limp and fell to the ground.

"He really is just like you, the type of person to cause something like this."


thank you guys so much for 11.9k reads !!! I originally started writing this for a friend and now I'm here writing it in my free time :) thank you so much for all the support and I have so much more planned for the plot. I know I say that every time but it's true ;) remember to drink water and enjoy the day. don't forget to study and do your hw (don't be like me ;;). listen to some twice.

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