19 - regret

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Crying 'cause I need you
Crying I can feel you
Crying 'cause I need you
Crying cause I care

My body was molten lava melting through the ground as I felt the last bit of hope seep from the trenches of my soul. I was left alone by the one person I was just beginning to enjoy. His name felt sour on my tongue. Thinking of him hurt, so I turned my attention away from the man that cast me aside and toward on the two women who saved me. One pink and the other purple with equally powerful attacks stopped to collect themselves for a moment. Well, the purple one did. Yea Miko rushed over to me.

"[name]. [name], can you hear me?" Her voice was urgently prodding for a response.

I coughed and with a raspy throat croaked, "Yeah."

The fox familiar's eyes were wet with glossy tears as she examined my burnt body. My hands were red and charred, my arms  by lightning and my feet seared by my own power after it cauterised my shoes. Tear began to slip out of her eyes and she wrapped her warm arms around me, shoving her head into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," She said with a wracking sob, "I'm so sorry you got hurt."

Tears slipped from my own eyes. I worried her? No one has worried for me as much as my parents ever did. Maybe Ayaka, but never her brother or Thoma. I lifted my sore arms and hugged the woman tightly and cried hot, painful tears into her shirt. An unprecedented release of emotion made my head and heart hurt. The now cold glowing mark on my chest was left ignored as her warm hands held me.

We sat there for a while. Two agonisingly sad women crying for each other's sorrow.

The mark on the man's chest softly lit up every other moment as he walked silently through the foliage and across the dark path. He was feeling hot every time the his mark flashed, no doubt because of her. He would be lying if he said he didn't regret it, but he put it off of his mind, willing his fabricated body to stay cold. The man had a mission to complete, and it needed to be carried out before he was caught. His feet padded across the stone path until he reached a point where his prey would see him.

He wanted to get in and get out, any unnecessary fighting would lead to his discovery by the Tsaritsa in the future. He needed to remain incognito. Even if the woman whom he intended to rob caught him, he would have to play it cool. No physical fights.

He threw his hat to the side and it disappeared into tiny glowing particles. He didn't need it right now he had to catch her by surprise. He knew about the delusion factory on Yashiori Island, where they were right now, but he didn't really know exactly how large it was; he hadn't really cared at the time. But as he stepped closer to the small coverup house the domain he felt underneath it spanned for miles.

How in the archons' names did they manage to transport this many Fatui without suspicion?

The Shogun was a fool for not paying more attention to them. Maybe she knew, but the fact she did nothing to stop them spoke volumes of her care for her people.

The man shook the thought from his head and carefully entered the cottage and then the domain itself. Once he was dropped onto the ground he silently hid in the shadows to look for the right place to possibly run into the insufferable woman who no doubt was onto him coming to the Factory. He slipped into the furthest room from the operation and looked around for what he needed to take. His eyes scanned to documents for those on the Shogun and the resistance.

Though there was no footsteps the man spread out a sphere of influence with his power so he could feel anyone coming before they even reached the door. When he looked back at the documents he tried to soak up as much information as possible.

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