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Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine

Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all

It started with a kiss, how did it end up like this?

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

-Mr. Brightside—The Killers-0:06

Scaramouche walked up to the edge of the cliff, peering over at his subordinates, only to find them on the ground surrounding two people. He felt annoyance bubble up in his chest. Decidedly, the warmth he felt sitting atop his collarbone reminded him of the encounter in Sangonomiya Shrine. Shaking his head, he tried to let his focus lay on the scene in front of him.

Looking closer, Scaramouche's eyes narrowed, realizing what was going on. He saw the furry ears and uniform of the general of the Watatsumi island resistance. The man's ear twitched and Scaramouche immediately crouched down, not wanting to be caught.

Seconds later, a conversation could be heard.



"Because... you're really pretty."

A light giggle reached Scaramouche's ears and he lifted his head to look at the scene.

The general looked at the person in front of him with his tail swaying side to side, "H-hey, don't laugh at me?"

"That's why you avoided me, you're scared of pretty people?"

The voice was unmistakeable to the harbinger. Fingers reached in between the general's ears and [name]'s face was just visible as they leaned forward.

The dog-eared general whined, "Stooop."

Scaramouche's chest tightened and the annoyance that was festering turned into a stronger emotion. Unbeknownst to him, under the fabric of his shirt his collar was glowing, sparking bright purple. The subordinates that got ambushed started to wake up and he planned his move. Gorou and [name] started to flee, but the latter dropped to the ground, clutching their chest, grabbing Gorou's arm.

When they put his hand against their chest it was the last straw for Scaramouche. He jumped down when Gorou was distracted and picked [name] up, walking away as the general fought against the Fatui skirmishers. Though the soldiers weren't going down without a fight, but furry boy could hold them his own, so Scaramouche moved his legs faster and carried [name] away while savoring the heat that emanated off of their body. Gorou's yells and footsteps could be heard, but the harbinger payed no mind, walking away with no intention of turning back.

My body throbbed as I drowsily opened my eyes. Everything was spinning and I jerked up, trying to see where I was. My head linked with my heartbeat and the pounding only got worse once I was panicking. The scarring heat spread through my chest, memories came back in a flash and I looked around for something, anything cold.

Before I could crawl to my feet off of the ground, someone's hand pressed itself to my chest, pushing me back down. Cold water doused out the heat induced by panic and I sighed, meeting the eyes of the hand's owner.

I smiled sloppily, "Hi Scaramouche."

The man didn't make a move, he only looked at my face for a moment, then opening his mouth.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

A stern voice came from the other side of the room we were in. General Gorou stood there walking over, trying to see if I was uncomfortable. Scaramouche rolled his eyes and scowled at the man. I grabbed the wrist against my chest and sat up, facing Gorou. The tension in the room was clear between the two men, however when they focused their attention on me, it seemed to dissipate for a moment.

Heat Lighting [Scaramouche | Reader]Where stories live. Discover now