6 - cloth measurments of life

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You got me some type of way
Ain't used to feelin' this way
I do not know what to say
(yeah, yeah)
But I know I shouldn't think about it
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored
—Ariana Grande—0:06

I fell asleep that night feeling conflicted about my teasing but also powerful that I could fluster him like that. The man was wrapped around my fingertip in that moment and it seemed like he wanted to be. I relaxed thinking of how close he was but then turned red knowing I'd flustered two people in one day. In the morning, I put a pillow over my face and groaned.

In the day that followed those events, I talked with Kokomi and told her the times I would be free for walk in measurements. I also asked her if she could compile a schedule that had each soldier listed so it would go more smoothly only to find out she spent the evening yesterday writing down each and every resistance member into time slots for every 15 minutes from 9-5 each day. The woman clearly knows no bounds in her work.

Soon, I had measuring tape draped over my neck and spectacles over my nose. I left a logbook out and soldiers walked in for their appointments on time. Well, most of them did. After I had finished with a boy named Ren, a teenager who was extremely jumpy, the next time slot started and the soldier hadn't appeared. I sighed and leaned against the table, waiting. I knew it would happen but the groove I was in had disappeared when I realized the gap in time from one person to another.

Just as I had began to loose hope, a person burst through the doors of the shrine frantically looking around. Once his eyes found me, he ran over.

"I am so so so so so sorry, I had extra training today and nearly forgot I was supposed to come here," the kid bowed.

I shook my head and examined his face, "Ryuji?"

"Yes?" He smiled, toothy and excited I remembered him.

I smiled, "Just get over here so I can do my job."

He nodded and stepped onto the platform in front of a mirror. Taking note of the time, I marked his first and last name into the logbook and slipped the measuring tape off of my neck. I talked him through the whole process, telling him what I did and when. I began with his shoulders and then arms, taking length and volume. Then I wrapped the tape around his waist, then his hips, and finally reached his legs. He looked down at me questioningly.

"I'm going to take measurements of your legs now," I said.

He relaxed and I wrapped the tape around the thickest part of his thigh. Then I took measure of the length of his legs. The boy was tall, possibly around six feet. When I finished with his legs, I took his height. Finally finishing with his log, I patted his head, giving his hair a little ruffle.

"Thank you," he said, still beaming at me.

I gave him a wide smile, "You were much better than most. Many of them were flinching at every touch."

Ryuji thought for a moment, and bless his soul the words that came out of his innocent mouth nearly made me faint.

"Well we don't meet women often so they probably just aren't used to it."

He put hand to his chin, "But I'm really comfortable around you. I think you're a really calming person."

The brown haired boy's smile could've killed me right then and there. He was too sweet for a kid who was going into war. I was beginning to worry for him and the future.

I pinched his cheek and squished it a bit, "Don't get hurt out there, ok?"

He put a hand on mine and nodded. Ryuji left right after this, walking backwards toward the door and bumping into a person coming in as he waved. When he turned around he apologized and ran out the door. The person who nearly got stepped on by the gentle giant was not fazed. The man, General Gorou simply shook it off and walked through straight to Kokomi's office.

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