3 - changes in the starlight

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"You and I, dancing in the moonlight

Kiss you when the mood's right,

Baby I don't want nobody else, but You and I"


A man walked through the doors to the Tenryou Commission headquarters, heading straight for the leader's office. He walked through the halls arrogantly, people moving away as he swiftly made his way to his destination. When he threw open the door, he was met with a person he'd rather not see.

"What are you doing here?" The hot headed man seethed.

The white clad woman sitting on the desk that was littered with papers scoffed, throwing a hand in the air, "The Tsaritsa told me to engage in diplomacy to start our progress in the area. What are you doing here?"

The slender woman pitted the question against him with a raised brow; her face was a mask of indifference, but her sharp eyes said otherwise. She looked down upon the man in front of her.

The shorter man rolled his eyes, "Field work. Organizing soldiers. The basic needs for everything to continue smoothly."

She nodded and stood up, "Her Majesty also sent me to relay a message."

It was his turn to be curious, crossing his arms he said, "Oh?"

The lady's garb brushed the floor as she walked past him to the door, "'Commence the operation.'"

I woke up from my sleep gasping.

The place where the mystery man had electrocuted me had started to burn, the mark fizzling across my skin. I touched it with a finger and hissed. It was burning hot, yet the urge to scratch it off hurt even more than leaving it alone. It was heating up my body, sparking a burning sweat.

Throwing off the covers, I stumbled out of my bed and made my way out of my room, down the stairs and out of the shop. I found myself running out of the city, to the sea that surrounded Narukami Island. My feet became sore against the stone and dirt that caked them, but my chest was burning, the heat only worsening as time went on.

When I arrived at the shore I stripped my clothing and threw myself in the water. The moon shined brightly upon my body as it cooled down in the water. Once I submerged my head, the burning between my collarbones ceased, dying out when the water enveloped me. I blew out bubbles into the water to calm my heart down from its rapid beating.

Finally resurfacing for air, a figure was crouched at the shore. I let out a squeal, covering myself in the water. The person laughed, covering their mouth with the back of their hand. When they did this I let my head sink deeper into the water, realizing who it was. He gazed upon my frantic demeanor with amusement and then glanced at my clothes that sat at the bank of the water. His eyes shined brighter when they met the light of the moon.

"Late night skinny-dipping?" He inquired.

He gestured to the situation we were in at the moment, his black hair ruffling with a breeze that passed through. The hat he wore at the Vision Hunt Ceremony was not atop his head. When he gazed back at me his eyes caught the light from the moon, shining back at me. Our gazes met and I held eye contact with him as I asked a question.

"Who are you?"

My voice was hoarse from waking in the middle of the night only to run so far.

The man examined my face for a moment before gazing into the distance behind me, "Normally someone would ask 'why are you' in such a situation."

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