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   Luz sat in the hospital room clutching onto her mother’s small and delicate hand, sitting by her side, tears streaming down her face. She managed to glance over at the girl across from her that was also bawling, her eyes puffy, also holding her mother’s hand. Vee hand managed to stay stronger than her.

   Luz had grown so used to the scent of the hospital that it seemed like she wasn’t surrounded by anything at all. Hospitals were never her favorite thing, who in their right minds would say they loved hospitals? Sure they have people being born into the cruel world and people getting cured of things, but there was always a battle that made it extremely painful. She hated the hospital, but even more-so now as her mother was now so skinny and was only breathing with the help of the oxygen tank. Camilla had always been in the hospital but only because she helped the patients, never once had Luz thought that her mother would be the one laying in the bed fighting for her life.

   It had been months since Luz returned from the Boiling Isles; it was now past three months since Vee had last visited the Isles for Luz. At the time her mother wasn’t so sick and she was told she would get better in a few days, slowly those days turned to weeks and those weeks to months until she was now at her side after being told that there was nothing else that could be done. 

   Luz had been going to the Boiling Isles for an escape from reality but now there was no running away.

   “You can’t leave us.” Luz managed to mutter as she held tightly onto her mother’s hand. “Please, Mama.”

   Camilla weakly smiled and reached over to caress her daughter’s face, the most movement she had done in the last month, though her eyes were still drowsy and weak.

   “You two will be okay, mija, you two are strong as long as you have each other.” The sick woman told her daughters.

   Luz looked at her, unsure if it was really her mother or the pain medication she was on.

   “We’re not gonna be okay.” Vee told the woman. “Come on, you told us to never stop fighting.”

   “Unless you were tired.” Camilla whispered to the girl. “Te amo, Luz. Te amo Vee.”

   The tears spilled from the girl’s eyes as they began to sob, gripping onto their mother’s hand, one each.

   “Y nosotros a ti.” Luz choked out and not a second later, her mother flatlined.

   The sobbing grew louder and rougher causing the girl’s upper body to shake. No one ran in because Luz and Vee wanted to be alone with their mother that they would now not be going home with.

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   It had been a few days since the girls had been at the hospital. She had gone home with one of her mother’s friends, the one who had been caring for the teen girl for the last few weeks. Luz asked to be dropped off at their house and they slept in their mother’s bed crying themselves to sleep.

   It was hard but some would have told them it was better because they had each other, they knew it wouldn’t be easy.

   In the mornings Luz started packing the house, knowing exactly what would be happening in a few days, maybe even hours. Vee was obviously helping her pack as they tried to reminisce but it seemed too hard for them so they packed in silence which left Luz in her own head.

   She had planned on going back to the Boiling Isles and living there with Vee because the girl needed the magic to stay a girl and since Luz had been getting it for her, it was no trouble. Now that they might get taken from their house she had to think of Vee.

The End of Everything | The Owl House Band auWhere stories live. Discover now