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   Boscha took the orders of the customers that would come in and out of the diner. Some regulars and others who were just stopping for something to eat.

   She had been working there for a few years, after she left her parents, after someone helped her, she never thought she would need help but that had been the case.

   Boscha stared at the empty booth, memories of her and her ex sitting there played in her head.

   “Boscha! Order six!” The cook announced.

   “Sorry.” The witch apologized and took the plates.

   She continued to serve the orders, greeting the witches that walked in. That was until the human walked in with the Owl Lady and their little ugly rat. Boscha hoped they wouldn't sit at one of her booths but they had made their way to the booth.

   She slightly rolled her eyes and walked over.

   “Welcome to The Diner, what can I get you?”

   “Boscha?!” Luz exclaimed. “You work here?”

   “No. I just broke into the back and put on this uniform in hopes they would give me money at the end of the day.” She answered sarcastically. “Now, what can I get you guys?”

   The group told her their order and she noted it down, leaving to give the order to the cook, getting the drinks. She watched Luz with the older woman.

   Boscha really hated to admit it but she envied that mother-daughter relationship that the two had. She never had that with her own mothers, she suddenly felt annoyed as she walked over with the tray of drinks.

   “Here.” She set them down.

   Luz looked at her because she heard the change in tone. “Everything alright, Bosh?”


   “Yeah, a nickname. I can’t have a nickname cuz my name is too short.” Luz began to explain. “Though, I guess you could call me L but in the human realm, that’s not a nice thing to say.”

   Boscha hadn’t really been listening after being told that it was just a nickname the human had made up, she found it odd but no part of her hated it.

   Her light blue eyes shifted down to the human who was just staring at her with a smile.

   “That’s weird.” She muttered. “Your food will be out in a minute.”

   “Make it snappy.” King ordered.


   After a few more hours of serving more customers, Boscha took off her apron and said goodbye to her co-workers. She was going to walk out but saw Luz still sitting in the booth, Eda and the animal were both gone. She knew they had left a few minutes after they had finished their meal but there sat Luz, scrolling through her Scroll.

   “What are you still doing here?” Boscha asked as she walked over.

   “Waiting for you.”


   “To hang out.” Boscha raised an eyebrow.

   “But we’ll hang out at practice.”

   “Yeah, but that’s only two hours, most of it is just us playing.” Luz explains as she follows the pink haired witch.

   “Yeah, we’re a band, that’s what we do.”

The End of Everything | The Owl House Band auWhere stories live. Discover now