Luz's Days

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A week had gone by after their loss, after the whole event unraveled for Luz and Amity. They hadn’t spoken since that day but Luz found a way to keep herself distracted.
   She managed to dodge a hit that came from the beast they were currently fighting off.

   “Great dodge, Luz!” Eda called from her palisman.

   This was what she was talking about for a distraction, fighting monsters. It wasn’t really doing much since she already told Eda and the witch was trying to get the full story.

   “And you just left?” Eda asked.

   “I didn’t know what else to say.” Luz answered. “I really think I made it worse for us.”

   Eda looked at her and stopped. “Wait.” She stopped the beast from attacking them. “I think you’re right. I like that Blight kid but sometimes you have to put yourself first. You rarely ever do that, Luz.
   So give her some time to process everything and give yourself time. Right?” She looked at the creature. It nodded in agreement.

   “You might be right.” Luz sighed.

   “I know I’m right.” Eda smirked.

   The two both attacked the creature and knocked it out.

   “Now let’s hurry and get this into town.” Eda says.

   The two did just that and walked around town after getting paid. Luz was looking around and spotted a guitar, the body was the shape of a beetle, the fangs long enough to stick out at the bottom. It was a matte black coat with some green, but the shiny kind that you would see on a beetle.

   “You should get it.” Eda saw how she admired the guitar.

   “I wish I could but I spent my share of the money on other stuff.” Luz tells her and shows her the little decor that she had for her room. “I guess I could get a job.”

   “Yeah, you do need some money.” Eda told her.

   “And I do want my own guitar instead of using the old one during practice.” She told her. “Yeah, I really need a job.”

   “I would pay you but well I don’t make much and you should be grateful to me.” Luz chuckled and Eda smiled back. “Help me with a potion.”


    After helping Eda with some potion practice, Luz decided to go out to look for a job. She really needed the money and wanted the guitar that hopefully would still be in the shop in time for her to save all the money she needed.
   She had been walking around for a few hours, going into shops and such that had the ‘now hiring’ signs. It was never good and she knew she wouldn’t be getting the job. She was ready to give up but she spotted a new “bar” which gave her a slimmer of hope. The Dragon Claw.

   She walked up to the door and looked inside, it was lit by led type of lights. She pulled the door open.

   “Sorry, we’re not open.” A man said.

   “Oh, right but I was here because of the job.” Luz told him.

   “Oh right, go on and take a seat.” He said and went to the back.

   Luz took a seat at a table.

   “I’m Merlin.”

   “I’m Luz, Luz Noceda.”

  Merlin sat across from Luz as he started to interview her. Luz was nervous, her heart racing but she kept her composure, after what seemed like hours to her the interview was coming to an end with only one question left.

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