The Venomous Abominations

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   Amity watched as Willow was setting up the drums, feeling bad because they hadn’t really spoken other than rehearsals. She was still upset about what Willow said that afternoon and it kept her thinking while she was working, it didn’t help that she was in complete silence at the library. Everything about Luz always made Amity sad and angry because she so badly wanted to understand the truth.

   Maybe Willow was right, but it doesn’t really excuse what the human did.

   “All done.” Gus had done the wiring of everything. He crossed his arms and smirked. “Wasn’t that hard.”

   “You need to do a sound check.” Willow told him, she smiled. “See if you wired everything correctly.. aand I’m done with your drums.”

   “Willow, just do it, Clotts is gonna open soon.” Amity rolled her eyes.

   “I can do it.” Gus said with a bit of sas as he walked backstage.

   Willow smirked and got up. “The kid is hopeless but it’s fun to watch.” She stuck her hands in her pockets and looked at Amity. “Why so crabby?”

   “You know why, I’m not going to say it outloud just to satisfy your crazy need of always starting something.” The violet haired witch said.

   “Because the first thing Luz did was join a band?” Willow asked, tilting her head slightly. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “You think they’re any good?”

   Amity looked over to her. “You can’t smoke in here.”

   “I’ll take that as a ‘I’m threatened’ response.” The green haired witch said and jumped off the stage. “I think they’ll suck.”

   “No you don’t.” Amity scoffed following her. “You always spoke highly of Boscha’s singing and music, you of all people know how good she is.”

   “I’m allowed to change my mind.” Willow blew the smoke in Amity’s face.

   “Hey! Willow, you can’t smoke in here, not before opening.” Clotts told her. “It’s barely gonna be noon.”

   “A kickstarter.” Willow smiled back at the demon. “I’m not much of a coffee drinker.”


   “Got it.” Willow walked out.

   Amity coughed as soon as the door closed behind Willow, she hated the smoke getting blown in her face and knew that it was only when she wanted the conversation to end.

   A loud ringing filled the room, Amity covered her ears and looked around, realizing who was causing the ringing.

   “Gus!” Amity yelled, the frustration present.

➵ ➵ ➵

   Witches and demons began to fill Clott’s, some people were in their own bands, others were there to listen and drink coffee. The three opening witches took their spots backstage, Willow peeking out at the crowd and ‘competition’ which satisfied her.

   “Can you believe there are people who are competing to be our openers?” Gus asked excitedly. “It’s so cool. Oh hey there’s Luz.”

   “Where?” Willow asked.

   Gus pointed. “Should we wish them good luck? Or at least her?”

   “No.” Amity said, they both looked at her. “It’ll look rigged.”

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