Partners in crime (S.B)

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"It's too loud here! I'm going to go out for a smoke!" you yelled in your friend's ear.

"WHAT?" she screamed back however you couldn't bother to repeat yourself and started to walk towards the open balcony.

You had all graduated from Hogwarts over 4 months ago yet the parties never seemed to stop.

Of course there were those people who focused on getting themselves jobs to be secure after school, though you were not one of them.

You always went to parties.
After all we all needed a little bit of fun.

"New here?" someone huffed on the side of the balcony lighting up his own cigarette.

You pulled out your pack and moved towards his lighter, "Nope. In fact I'm pretty sure I know you...Black?".

He stared at you for a second before lighting your cigarette quickly, "Y/LN. How could I forget. You know seeing you after so long brings back so many memories.".

You chuckled lightly while observing the street lights and snow fall all ready for Christmas.

Sirius and you were never close like proper friends but you would say but you were well acquainted.

You both fought for the title of class clown and best prankster miserably, with the people around you suffering from the aftermath of both of your ruthless pranks.

But then you both graduated and that was that, not one word spoken to each after.

You had wanted to start afresh during the graduation ceremony.

You were eyeing him that day, waiting for the right moment to talk to him but then he was swept up with his friends and you with yours.

It seemed the bubble of happiness he felt that day would be disturbed should you try to create a relationship with feelings which might have not even been there so you left it.

You left him.

"What have you been up to Sirius?"

"First name basis are we now?"

You nodded, "We're old enough aren't we? Answer the question.".

He stared at you once again this time his eyes lingering on for what seemed like forever, "Quite frankly. Nothing. You only live once and I'm using all my free time to enjoy myself. I'm not going to willingly choose an 8-5 job in a place without any sunshine.".

You were taken aback for a second but decided not to show it.

You always thought Sirius would immediately rock the world with whatever dreams he had planned as soon as he was out of school but it looked like that was not the case.

"What about you Y/N?"

"What about me? My job? If you count being a part time librarian to pay the bills then yes. But it's only temporary. Until I find something more of my taste.".

Sirius smiled, "Of course. There's no pleasing you, you know? Wow. Librarian by day and hot party girl at night." he teased while I nudged him hard on the shoulder.

"Shut up.". You pulled your red dress down as close as you could to your knees trying to not let it reveal yourself due to the cool wind.

Sirius pulled off his jacket and placed it on your shoulders, "I thought you'd be smarter and wear something more suitable for the cold?".

You gratefully accepted the jacket and shrugged turning to face him, "We only live once Sirius.".

"Huh. Are you sure you've done all the things you've wanted to do Y/N.".

You frowned, "Actually no I haven't. Especially with you.".
Maybe it was the liquor talking but I had to tell him.

Sirius seemed intrigued and disposed of his cigarette in the bin quickly, "What do you mean?".
You copied his action and continued talking.

"I mean that I really like you. Or liked.".

You interrupted him before he could say anything, "Do not laugh ok I get it. It was pretty foolish of me to even think of you like that.".

Sirius sighed not even looking at me anymore instead focusing on the view outside. "You're not even going to say anything? I think I should-".

"I'm pretty sure it was during our forced Christmas at Hogwarts during 5th year to study for our OWL's. I was of course grateful that I didn't have to go home anytime soon but you were sulking the whole break until Christmas morning. You wouldn't even banter with me, in fact you even put a hold on your pranks."

You urged him to continue turning his gaze towards you, "That's when I started getting sad too. Because you wouldn't give me any of your attention. And when I finally pressed you on and on about what happened, you told me you got dumped.".

You looked at him worriedly, "Sirius, what are you talking about?".

"I think that's when I finally accepted my feelings for you. I got seriously annoyed at the fact that you weren't exactly mine. As in. Everyone knew of our playful relationship but I thought that meant you were off limits to other people. Honestly I may or may not have thought we were even dating at some point..."

"I really liked you Y/N but I never knew how to act on it or tell you. And then we graduated and you seemed like you didn't want to do anything with me. Like I was just some kid in your school years.".

You bit your lip and hoped for the best, "You could tell me like this.".

You placed your hand on his cheek and kissed him strongly.

Sirius only took a few seconds before he started kissing you back while grinning through it.

You pulled away reluctantly, not wanting to let him go anymore.

"You're not just some kid from my school Sirius. You're someone whos always held a special place in my heart.".

It seemed like you had made Sirius Black blush extremely hard.

It's either that or he was just very cold. "Want to go inside? And maybe try out one last prank?".

"Oh are we becoming allies now?" you asked.

"Maybe something more."

You wrapped your hand around his and pulled him inside the party, the both of you not letting each other go again.


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