Third times the charm...right? (J.P)

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Peter snorted with his hand muffling the sound out of his mouth. Remus too couldn't help a grin while taking his wand out to clear out the splattered cereal Sirius had spat out on the table earlier.

"I still can't believe you got vomited on mate! Twice!" Sirius emoted in disbelief through his food.

James glared at the three taking his head out of his hands, "I don't want to talk about it!".

Regardless, James couldn't help remembering how the events of the party unfolded that same night.

Though strange, he loved the memory of you dancing so carefree in the middle of the room, drinking shots left and right rapidly and just simply being with yourself.

He knew you but not a lot.

He only noticed you a few weeks back which was unusual.

You weren't a Prefect but he knew you made your own rules like erupting piles of rottenness onto people's shoes...twice.

James was walking to class with his friends when he announced determinedly, "I'm going to find her, talk to her and maybe even get an apology!".

Peter glanced at James unsure on whether this would be the best idea ever.

"How will you do that?" Peter asked.

"The same way I met her. I'm going to throw a party!" he yelled out in the empty hallway, earning weird but curious glances from the rest of the students.


"The look of love, the rush of love" mumbled James under his breath. It was a damn good song and all he wanted to do was pull someone and dance with them through the night with this tune in the background.

But this someone had to be you and so he searched and searched just in time as the song ended.

"It has to be you. I found you." he spoke to the girl with brown hair dipping a strawberry into a
chocolate fountain.

She turned quickly and widened her eyes and started smiling.


You were in trouble. Ha. You couldn't hold your liquor and it seemed like Potter paid the price.


You never liked him that much so it suited you just fine when you vomited your insides out on him and his common room carpet.

You got cheated on for god's sake! By your bloody best friend.

You didn't want to give her the benefit of doubt, your ex and her were all equally in the wrong.

It's just that with them being so popular and being the unofficial Slytherin heads of the house, it got you casted out from pretty much everything normal during school. Go green!

So you switched it up, and started hanging out in the Gryffindor common room just to spite them and towards the end even for fun.

Why Gryffindor you ask? To make your friends mad of course...

And because one night Potter came back drunk from a quidditch final and spluttered out the password multiple times while walking past you.

Did you take advantage after him and extract every piece of information you needed to be a fake Gryffindor...perhaps.

That's how you were standing here.

He didn't remember anything of that night...right?
That's what you thought and now here he stood.

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