Library confessions (S.B)

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He watched you work on your Arithmancy homework in the library, both of you focused on what was in front of you.

"Pads...Pads?" James called out twice hoping to finally get Sirius's precious attention.

Sirius unwillingly moved his eyes away from you and turned towards the Marauders, "You said something?".

Peter snorted while James mocked him, "You said something?" in a whiny voice.

"What's gotten into you lately? You suddenly want to sit in the Library every other afternoon, eat breakfast at exactly "7:30" am and you don't even take part in any of our pranks anymore." James demanded wanting an answer to this questionable behaviors for what seemed like more than a month.

James and Peter didn't know the answer but Remus had a wild guess.

Remus continued looking at his book on the table in-front of him catching glances at Sirius.

The boy took a deep breath and smiled to himself, seemingly enchanted by something... or someone.

"Boys. I think I'm in love." he spoke confidently huddling up in between his friends.

"In love with who?" a voice spoke behind Sirius revealing a girl carrying a pile of library books.

Sirius eye's widened as he quickly turned around to be met by you.

She must think I'm so pathetic for ever thinking we could work.

Hell, he thought he was pathetic for thinking it could work. Who had he even become? He knew you didn't like students who committed obnoxious pranks so he even stopped that, hoping you would take notice of him.

He usually stood out a lot to other but to you, he wasn't so important.

Or so he thought.

Sirius quickly grinned, "In love with you of course.".

You slit your eyes while blushing, "Liar." and walked away before he could notice your huge smile.

Your heart pounded as you kept replaying his sentence in your head.

God if only he told me.

Sirius watched you walk to the back corner of the library unsatisfied that his confession backfired.

James remained purely in shock trying to process a word, "Pads. You're in? Love-".

Sirius slapped a hand on James's mouth and turned towards Moony desperate for help.

"I've tried the letter approach, the sing-song approach, the direct approach as of latest. She's just not getting my message! Moony help me!".

Remus smiled trying his best not to tease his friend at the moment.

He cleared his throat and spoke, "Pads she loves you too. I've seen the way she looks at you when you play quidditch, when you hang out with us. And even do pranks. She loves the real you. Don't change yourself for her. It's pointless. You need to go up there and be straightforward and serious with her. Show her you want to be committed to her. That's all she needs.".

Sirius raised his eyebrows. He was seriously convinced Moony had revised this monologue from a book.

Regardless he thanked him, "That was...amazing. Moony. Thank you so much. Worm tail, Prongs. All three of you stay here I promise I'll update you later.".

And with that Sirius Black ran off ready to make you his.


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