Exam results (S.B)

527 17 5


You were enjoying your summer at the Potter's house...or rather mansion.

It had 2 pools, 5 enormous gardens, various libraries and don't forget the amazing food cooked by the lovely Mrs. Euphemia Potter.

James had invited you and Sirius to stay over for two weeks, while the rest of your friends were on holiday visiting their extended family. He knew that both the Black family and Cartell family weren't exactly the friendliest in terms of anything so he invited you both over for some fun.

You and James were sitting by his pool while Sirius ran across the mansion to grab the cookies Euphemia baked for the afternoon.

"You scared?" James asked casually, taking another bite of his red apple.

Green apples were apparently a disgrace in his opinion.

Summer was going great so far.

Until you remembered your O.W.L's results were going to be delivered by tonight. That meant a possible harsh conversation with your parents in case you didn't bring exceptional grades for the family.

You snorted, "Of what? My grades or my parents?".

James finally looked at you after throwing his apple up in the air, swiftly catching it to take another bite. "Both really. I know you'll do well so don't worry about it. There's a good chance we all might fail so even if you do we will be in the same boat.".

You smiled at his attempt to comfort you, "It's not the same though. I've failed almost all my tests this year, it's really my last shot to prove it to my parents.".

Sirius suddenly appeared in front of you, laying his head on your lap casually, "Prove what?".

"Fucking hell!", you jumped making James and Sirius burst out laughing.

You were already stressed, ready to burst out on them and that's when you saw it drop in front of you.

You grabbed it and ripped the seal apart, the boys doing the same and your expression sunk into horror.

You had received and A (Acceptable) for majority of your grades and even nearly failed one of your subjects. One thing was clear, exams weren't for you. No matter what you did and how hard you studied somehow you never got an O (Outstanding) or even an E (Exceeds Expectations).

The only O in your report card was for Physical Education- Quidditch.

Something which you knew would infuriate your parents even more than your average grades because they wanted you to work in the Ministry.

You looked up and saw James and Sirius laughing at their report cards. It just wasn't the same for them.

They were geniuses, they barely studied and you weren't surprised when they told you they got O's and a few E's overall.

You congratulated them and you clenched your jaw because you forgot something.

How could you forget something that important?

The school had introduced a new rule of sending two report cards, one to your parents and one to you.
No matter where you were.

"Y/N! It's Mum and Dad on the phone." Mrs.Potter screamed as loudly as she could so you could hear her.

You stood up from your seat making Sirius grab your hand back, "Just ignore them they never have anything nice to say.".

You reluctantly slipped your hand away from his offering him a smile, "Okay Sirius.".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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