The Moon's Marauders (S.B)

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"I have a boyfriend you git." you yelled out to Evan beside you. 

You thought going to a free concert with a boy you barely knew from high school, for a band you knew absolutely nothing about, would turn out fine but it obviously backfired on you.

You made a mental note to trust Lily the next time she told you to carry a pepper-spray can when you went out at night.

Evan simply shrugged and licked his lips slowly, "Well, I don't see him.".

You rolled your eyes and pushed him off your side, the arena was getting more and more packed towards the front.

Before you knew it, everybody started booing the band, "The Moon's Marauders", as they started getting off the stage, disconnecting their guitars and drums from the speakers.

"For fuck's sake! I caught a train to see that hot drummer." some girl exclaimed out towards the stage. 

You tapped her on her shoulder, "Why are they leaving?".

She narrowed her eyes at you, outraged that you even tried to talk to her, "Huh? Didn't you listen for the past 5 minutes? They can't find the fucking drummer.".

You gave her a small smile, and started pushing through the crowd that was sulking over their cancelled night. 

You couldn't blame them, after all you didn't even pay for a ticket.

On cue, as you pushed through the empty gates of the hall and stepped out into the deserted street, somebody grabbed your arm harshly making you collide into them.

"Hey hey hey. Where are you going? The part-. The party- is not over y-yet.".

You almost screamed out loud. You looked down at his other hand only to see a small metal flask reeking of liquor. 

Evan had followed you, but this time drunk.

"Hey asshole. The answer is still no. Now let go of me before I actually hurt you." you threatened seriously. His arm was starting to leave a red mark on your wrist and you didn't know if he was actually going to let you go this time.

You tried to rip your hand off his grip but it only tightened. Fuck.

Lily. Somebody help me. 

The boy seemed oblivious to your panic, taking a large chug out of his grey flask, the liquor started spilling down his shirt and onto the floor.

Lily wasn't here. You had to help yourself.

Now's your chance. You raised your leg subtly before kicking him in the balls, and then again more forcefully. He collapsed to the ground with a choking groan, dropping both his arms to the damaged area.

You wanted to do more but 1. you were in heels, and 2. A PERSON.

A tall, dark haired boy in a leather jacket was crossing the road, down the street. His back was towards you but maybe just maybe you could reach him in time to help you.

I'm never wearing heels again.

"It's so bloody hard to run in this thing." you mumbled as you blew a hair out of your face.

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