Better than Lily (S.B)

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In which you keep passing notes back and forth with Sirius Black

Moony needs your notes on Potions for today.

Why isn't "Moony" asking me himself?

Because he isn't.

I know you want my notes Sirius and I'm not giving it.
p.s your cursive is unreadable

My handwriting is perfect thank you very much. Come on pretty please! At least look at me.

*you turn to look at Sirius to find him staring at you with puppy dog eyes*

Never in a million years will that trick work!

We'll see about that later.

You quickly stuffed the notes in your backpack secretly, trying your best not to make it obvious how much you liked passing notes with Sirius.

You were heading towards your next class when suddenly an arm pulled you towards another hallway.

"Sirius! What are you doing? You gave me such a fright.".

He gave you a large grin and winked at you, "Now listen. If you're not going to give me your notes, at least tutor me. There's no one better than you in Potions.".

You smiled and then pulled his cheeks earning a small yell from him, "Liar. You know there's Lily. Why don't you just ask her?".

"Why would I want to spend time with Lily?".

"Why would you want to spend time with me?" you asked eagerly.

"Because I lik-", Sirius zipped his lips and ran a hand through his hair. "We should get going to our next class." and walked away in the opposite direction.

You waited for a few seconds before calling him back, "That's the wrong way!".

He turned swiftly and grabbed your hand to walk in the correct direction.

Just as you two entered the class you whispered in his ear and then sat down in your seat.

"7:00, in the back corner of the Library. Don't be late.".

Sirius simply stood there in shock however then ecstatically sat down next to James who was oblivious on what you had just said in his ear.

It wasn't dirty in the slightest yet it made him shiver. You were definitely something else.

Sirius turned to James and gave him a small smirk, "Let's just say I think I've got my own Lily. She's way better though.".

James couldn't decide whether to smack Sirius for his last comment or congratulate him.

He chose both.


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