Running is my way of loving (R.L)

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Dearest Y/N,

I'm writing this in the train so sorry for the bad handwriting. The only time my writing can match your horrible one though.

I know you're angry with me and frustrated and you probably even hate me right now.

I understand that and I don't blame you.

This war isn't going to stop anytime soon love.
We can hope it does but you and me know better.

No words will ever be able to comprehend how much I love you.
No actions either, except maybe this one.

I love you. So much.

It hurts me more than you'll ever know to leave you.

To leave you and not be able to hold you in my arms and kiss you.

To see your angelic smile and loud laugh which constantly fills up our apartment with joy.

It's always going to be you Y/N.

In this life and the next.

I want you to know that. It will always be you.

Please don't be angry with me.
Please don't cry I beg you.

I want you to be happy and safe.

It's better if i'm gone.

Trust me.

Greyback knows about me and who I am.

He will come after me and he will try to recruit me into the Dark Lords army.

I'll be safe Y/N, I'll hide and be safe.

But I wouldn't be able to live with myself if even a single hair of yours would fall out of place.

You are my everything.

You are my soul.

You are the light in my heart.

I'll come back soon darling.
Please don't hate me.

I promise you can slap me, hit me whatever it is. Just don't hate me.

Eat well and sleep more than 7 hours. I want you to go to Sirius whenever you need something.

I talked to him and he'll be there for you just like how I was.

I'm a danger when I'm near you.

Please don't hate me.

I love you and will never stop loving you Y/N.

I'll send this letter off quick with our owl before it gets too dark.

Take care of him for me, gave him some treats before he heads back to you.

See you soon.

Remus Lupin

You read the letter again as you always did with your morning coffee while sitting in the balcony.

You sighed hoping the day Remus mentioned would come faster.

It had been 3 years since he left or you heard a word from him but one thing was definitely clear.

"I could never hate you Lupin."


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