author's note

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This is a Scaramouche x Reader, therefore all liberties taken with 'you' in the story will be in personality and alternate universe counterpart(the backstory and such).

This will be a fem!reader.

This story will contain mature content.

Complete and major spoilers for the Inazuma region of Genshin Impact.

I am aware there is a Mitski song of the same name, but Heat Lightning is not named after the song.

Enjoy reading!

p.s. i do not have any beta readers or editors since i just write and post whenever so expect major edits to be made when i proofread and some typos.


'heat lightning' by cucumbersandwiches on Spotify


On a personal note, I was unable to update this story for a few months due to the fact I had school and then finals. I had many, many  things saved in my drafts on the notes app that summed up to about 20k words worth of writing that I need to sift through so there will be updates I promise. I will also be editing this story (I just published what was in my notes at first) so if there are any spelling errors or weird wordings  please let me know! I appreciate all the comments and be going back to check them frequently. I may also be making timeline and plot changes because I am unhappy with some of my previous decisions. Thank you so much for reading and any support you have given!

i'm going to be super busy the next two weeks so the next two chapters will take a while to come out. but just know that the book will be updated in august (: thank you for being patient.


IM BACK. i posted a new chapter and i am now less busy for about half a week until school starts ;;;; i will be updating again soon though bc my new ideas for the story. thank you for bearing with me on this hiatus and i will be bringing more content now :) <3

Heat Lighting [Scaramouche | Reader]Where stories live. Discover now