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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I smirked as I got a copy of the Daily Prophet that next morning to see Potters measly face all over it. A picture of Dumbledore holding a fainted Potrer. How pathetic. I then saw that the Minister is too be sacked and Umbridge is leaving. It was the end of term and I was excited for the summer!

I packed and I walked downstairs. I then saw Malfoy and baby Greengrass and their group all stare at me.

'Did you go?' Malfoy asked

'Where?' I turned

'Department of Mysteries.' He murmured

'Of course I did. I wouldn't miss a battle for the wizarding world, by the way your father did a horrible job. He lost to Siruis Black who got killed' I scoffed

I saw him clench his jaw as Baby Greengrass massaged his shoulders I stared at them.

'Jealous Riddle?' Greengrass smirked

'Not at all, actually I can see his quite discomforted by your presence. The Hogwarts express is leaving soon' I said walking out

I was in usual clothes, Malfoy was in a black suit, which did look very very nice.

I then walked by myself and I saw Lovegood who had a busted lip. I snickered under my breath. As I was walking with all the other fifth years, we all got our exams back before boarding the train.

And I had done it. I got 12 O.W.L's just like my father. I sat in a compartment by myself as I saw Crabbe, Goyle, Baby Greengrass, Parkinson and Zabini enter. What do they want now?

'Oi Riddle, let's see your results. I bet you got like one' Parkinson snatched the paper and her eyes widened

'I wouldn't say that Parkinson' I crossed my arms, I saw Zabini read over her shoulder as he choked on his pumpkin juice

'Oh.My.Merlin. All O's in all subjects. How?' Zabini looked at me

'My father got 12 Outstanding O.W.L's, and it lead me to be ambitious I'd following his path to greatness' I snatched the parchment back

Everyone was now looking at me.

'But how did you get all 12? Those classes are all at the same time!' Baby Green said

'Honestly, do you even read. The school think I'm too fantastic and wanted me to take everything. I did it at Beauxbatons aswell.' I smirked

'Snape never gives Outstandings to people' Crabbe eats on some sweet

'Maybe because all of our class is dumb. Why are all of you even here? I want to be alone' I crossed my arms

'No can do. All the others are full.' Goyle said
I then got a book out and started to read. It was about advanced Potions because I was taking it in sixth year. Out the corner of my eye I saw Malfoy staring at me

'Oh yeah and how are you and Draco doing, Astoria?' Parkinson asked

I gritted my teeth.

'Oh we are amazing! Better than him and Riddle for sure, everyone thinks so' she told us as I looked up from my book

'Greengrass, has he ever opened up to you?' I asked

'Uh no?' She scoffed

'Has he ever cried to you?' I ask again

'Pfft no. He's hot that's all that matters' she rolled her eyes

'Has he ever said I love you?' I smirked


'Has he ever practiced spells with you or did something with you? Like going hogsmeade or ice skating?' I set my book down


'Do you even know him at all?' I leaned forward

'Y-yes!' She smiled kissing his cheek as he rubbed it away

'Okay, what is his favourite food?' I smirked

'Uh-chicken?' She shrugged

'Wrong, sushi. Next one what is his Patronus?' I questioned

'I uh-didn't know he could produce one. Tiger?' She shifted uncomfortably

'I taught him it it's a dragon' I laughed

I saw him smirk at me from next to Baby Greengrass

'Astoria. I ask again do you know him at all?' I asked

'Well I know how long his dick was. Does that count?'

'Is that all you care about? His shit? His looks, no. In a relationship you need to know about the person' I leaned back

'And what do you know about relationships?' She spat

'I know that they are full of trust. I can see you probably cheat on him with Zabini, don't think I don't know you were really loud the other night' I winked

Zabini and Astoria looked flushed

'Yeah, y/n's right. I'm ending it Greengrass' Malfoy turned to her as she ran out the compartment crying

'I needed to do that for a while' Malfoy sighed

'More like from the start' I laughed

The train journey was silent, other than to two rambles.

We all got off and I saw Malfoy wait for me in his hot black suit.

'I'm sorry, can we you know. Mend things?' He asked

'Well, yes. But Malfoy if you mess up I'm not coming back' I punched his arm

'I can't believe I'm asking this. But do you want to you know, be engaged?' He had the ring

I can't believe he kept it.

'Why not' I got the ring and slipped it back in my finger

Bring it on summer. I got my Dray back. Made Greengrass and her break up. Made Potter look pathetic. For up to mischief with Umbitch.

What's not to love?

Ahhhhh we have finished fifth year! How do you think it went? I hope you enjoyed and I will see you very soon! It's literally now like 1am!


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