When the Wizarding World falls.
Who will Rise?
'You put your faith in the wrong person.Don't you see Potter? I was born to be 𝗕𝗔𝗗'
From 4th year
Y/n Peverell-Riddle was like no...
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(Lol ignore the lettering LOL)
Y/N's pov
I was summoned to the boat house. I saw father there and Nagini.
'Now we wait for Severus' father said walking around the tiny boat house.
Soon Severus arrived
'You have performed extra ordinary magic with this wand my lord in the last few hours alone' Snape says as father came forward to reach his gaze
'No, I am extraordinary but the wand resists me.' Father says as I see Nagini there.
'There is no wand more powerful, Olivander has said it himself. Tonight when the boy comes it will not fail you. I'm sure of it' Snape replies
I just stood there, but I know something bad is going to happen. Voldemort was now close up in Snape's face
'It answers to you...and you, only' Snape concludes
'Does it?' Voldemort questions
Snape's face falters. I know he knows, and he knows I know too. Severus took a glance at me with his beautiful black eyes. Before looking at my father.
I know the wand will resist him becuase, me and Snape were the ones that killed Dumbledore. But I...the elder wand has a new master...me and Snape, the Elder wand belongs to me and Snape.
'The wand, does it truly answer to me?' Father circled a anxious Severus
'You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does it's true loyalty lie?' My father walks around the little boat house room
'With you...of course, my lord' Snape answers hesitantly
'The Elder wand, cannot serve me properly if I am not it's true master..' Father looks at Snape, Snape looks at me
'The Elder wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner' father said coming forward
'You and y/n killed Dumbledore, Severus.' He looks from me to Snape
I gulped. He can't possible kill me?
'But only if one does die, the Elder and can be mine. Y/n is the heir to Slytherin. She cannot die...but, while you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine' he stepped closer
A lump grew in my throat.
I couldn't move. I looked into Snape's eyes, he knew this was it....
'You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus...but only I can live forever'
'My lord?' Snape questions before my father swipes his wand, cuts and blood seeping out of Snape's body as he collapses onto the floor. I know he used the Sectumsempra curse.
His body thumps on the nearby glass wall.
'Nagini, kill' father ordered
Nagini snaked her way through my legs. I was on the verge of tears. Not Severus....no no no no no