The ceremony

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After a little bit you were standing in the crowd as the ceremony was starting. You heard someone walk next to you. You looked over and saw Camilo standing pretty close. You blush and look away as you see him turning to you. You then feel his hand touch yours. You flinch a bit but then his hand intertwines with yours. You blush more and look over at him to see he's already staring at you. You immediately look away blushing more.

The ceremony then started fully and Alma then started talking about the candle and it's history. After all that lights flashed on Antonio. He looked nervous and he didn't move for a bit. A small frown grew on my face and so did one on Camilo's face. He reached his hand out to someone and after a minuet Mirabelle walked out and held his hand.  Mirabelle and Antonio walked to the stairs then up and to the door. Once Alma said her little thing to Antonio he put his hand on the door knob.

The door then had its golden glow and had him and his name engraved onto the door. When he opened it was giant. There was a tree in the middle in the room and it looked like a full on zoo. Camilo went to go check it out and forgot he was holding my hand. He ended up dragging me to the room by accident. When he realized he immediately let go. " S.Sorry, I forgot I was holding your hand ." " it's ok " you said trying to hide your blushing face. You then waited for Mirabelle as Camilo went inside. You took her hand and walked inside but froze as you saw everyone taking a picture without Maribelle. She then left Antonio's room but you stayed.

You slowly started swaying to the rhythm of the music but then felt someone wrap their arms around you. You turn around and see Camilo laying his head on your shoulder. " May I have this dance " he said. He walked around you and lightly took your hand and kissed the back. " you may " you smiled. He spun you around and did tons of dips and did one big dip that left you starstruck. You stared at him pretty amazed. He had the cute stupid smirk on again. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you were getting closer to his face. You were about to kiss him. But then Mirabelle came bursting into the room. "THE HOUSE IS IN DANGER! THERE WERE CRACKS ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND WALLS AND THE CANDLE ALMOST WENT OUT! " Mirabelle said sounding pretty concerned. Alma ask Mirabelle to show her but when we all got there, there were no cracks anywhere.

Mirabelle tried desperately to get someone to believe her but nobody did. I felt a bit bad for her but I went back to Antonio's room with Camilo. But someone pulled me aside quickly. I looked at who pulled me aside and it was Dolors. " I saw that little stunt you did with my brother " she said smirking at you. " I..I uhm... " you said not knowing how to explain anything. " I would advise not kissing infront of the family or the kids.. who knows how any of them would react." She said walking back to Antonio's room with you.

You walked back over to Camilo. " There you are Bonita I thought you left me " he said smirking. " So Bonita where were we? " he asked dipping me again. " How about we go somewhere where your family won't see us slobbering over each other..and so we don't traumatize the kids. ". You said smirking. " Alright Alright ". He grabbed your hand and took you to his room. He then opened his door and you saw a huge stage with a desk bed and wardrobe. " Woah " you said looking around his room.

You then saw a record player and looked at his records. " Hmm.. what song should we dance to? ". " I dunno Bonita you pick I'll just sit still and look pretty " he said chuckling at his own joke. You put on a Michael Bublé song and started dancing with Camilo. Little did you both know Dolors was peeking through Camilos door. After a bit Pepa joined in and watched as well. After a couple dips with you and Camilo he did the exact same big dip that he did in Antonio's room. Starstruck again you stare at eachother for a minuet. You again wrap your arms around his neck. Again slowly getting closer to his lips. You were having your moment with Camilo. Then, finally it happened you and Camilo kissed.

It was for a split second but felt like forever. Once you stared at each other for a little bit you went back at it except this kiss was longer. It ended up turning into a make out session and before things got carried away Dolors and Pepa came in clapping. You and Camilo immediately stopped the kiss and looked over embarrassed. " my my was that a show" Dolors said." ay hijo I'm so proud of you. mi pequeño recibió su primer beso "( my little boy had his first kiss ). " Ay mamá can we have a bit of space? " Camilo said. " Oh heck to the no you can have your first kiss I'm not letting this go any farther then it is now. " Pepa said. You and Camilo both blushed so much you looked like tomato's. You and him both walked out after stopping the record player.

Word count: 934

Sorry this was a short one!!

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