Life Goal

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" Of course you were expecting a reaction " you said rolling your eyes. " You roll your eyes a lot " he said squinting a bit. " ha ha " you said crossing your arms. " Ah Bonita I'm so sorry if I offended you" he said doing a dramatic bow. " How can I ever be mad at someone as sweet as you " you said with a small smile. " Someday I'll make you mad...someday. " he said putting his index finger and thumb on his chin as if he was thinking. " it is now my live goal to make you mad" he said crossing his arms of approval. " Har har " you said crossing your arms as he did. "How about a little show?" He said jumping up into the stage. " Go ahead chameleon boy ".

He then shifted into the little blonde girl you both met the day of Mirabel's celebration. " Oh Camilo I looooooove you " he said in a high pitched tone. He then shifted to himself " I know...but I am I love with another. " he said dramatically putting his hand on his heart. He shifted to the blonde girl again " Who is this woman! " he said in the high pitched tone. " Y/N L/N.. But soon it will be Y/N Madrigal " he said smiling. He went to the blonde girl again. " HOW DARe ShE " he had a voice crack in the middle of his high pitched sentence. You started laughing and he ended up breaking character and laughed with you. " You're funny Camilo " you said in the middle of your laugh. " I know I should be a comedian " he said doing a super man pose.

" Dream big superstar dream big " you said wiping your tears of laughter. " What is that supposed to mean Bonita" he said crossing his arms. " Oh nothing just keep being you " you giggled. " CAMILO, Y/N DINNERS READY!!"Alma yelled out. " COMING " you both yelled back and left his room. " Race?"
you said smirking. " sure just don't cry when you lose " he said then smirking at you. " 3...2...1! " you both ran to the table. It ended up being a tie as you both cheated. " CHEATER! " you both screeched at each other. " WAIT HUH?! "
Mirabel said really confused and worried. " Oh not like that he shoved me in the race " you said scratching your neck. " You started it " Camilo said sitting down. " Did not " you said then sitting down next to Camilo.

" It doesn't matter who started it just eat " Alma said seeming like she was in a bad mood. Bruno was just sitting at the table looking worried at his rats were next to him. One of the rats went to your foot. When you noticed it you scream in fear. The rat ran back to Bruno and everyone was staring at you. " What?...The rat scared me " everyone laughed while you covered your face out of embarrassment. " Bruno what did I say about the rats at the table ". Alma said clearly mad. " But their hungry " Bruno had a nervous look on his face. You snuck a piece of bread under the table and slid it to the rats.

Bruno noticed and gave you a warm smile. You finished eating and waited for Camilo to finish. When he did finish he took your hand and you both went out to the town. It was about the afternoon so you both just went out and went to a fair. You thought it would be fun although you're afraid of heights. He thought it would be fun to make you go on all the high rides. He was having a blast but you were practically dying. He walked you home and you watched as he walked home. Before he left he gave you a little goodbye kiss. When you opened the door you were blushing like crazy. " we're you with your boyfriend " Tobi asked you." what are you doing up! It's 930 you were supposed to be asleep 30 minuets ago" you said picking him up. " Mom and Manny are asleep and you didn't sneak through your window so I knew it might have been a burglar. But it was just you"
he said in his innocent voice. " Bedtime "
you said walking upstairs with him in your arms. You laid him down in bed and went to your room. You laid down and feel asleep with Camilo on your mind.

Word count: 783

This was another short one but I'll try to make longer chapters I just sometimes feel like 1000 words is too long so I cut it a bit short but until I can make longer ones again we're staying in the 700/800's in word counts

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