Mirabelles Celebration

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Once you and Camilo got out of everyone's view you glanced at each other and started blushing again. He mouthed the words " I'm sorry " and scratched the back of his neck. After a little bit you and him were chilling in his room when suddenly Dolors knocked on his door. " I'm coming in so if your doing any lovey dovey stuff then stop. " Dolors said opening the door. " You don't have to announce your entry." Camilo said crossing his arms. " I know but after the stunt you and Y/N pulled I might as well announce it." Dolors said with a smirk on her face. " Also the celebration is starting so get ready Camilo. Y/N you don't have to you look great " she said with a smile. " Thanks" you said smiling. " Yeah and thanks Dolors for the complement " Camilo said sarcastically. " Alright either step out or close your eyes while I get dressed. If you stay in nobody can know " he said looking at you then the door.

You walked over to the door. You opened it then closed it making it sound like you exited so Dolors wouldn't know. You nodded and silently walked to the stage and covered your eyes. After a minuet he tapped your leg and showed you his outfit. " Handsome aren't I " he said doing a model pose. " Stunning " you said with a grin. " I can say the same about you Bonita " he said offering you his hand to jump off the stage. You took his hand and walked downstairs and towards where the celebration was being held.

Antonio's room was the largest so it was being held there. Plus it was the funnest for party's. Antonio didn't mind so it was settled. Camilo was greeting people so you waited inside for him. You decided to watch the upcoming crowd and saw the blonde girl and her brother. You rolled your eyes at the sight of her blowing a kiss to Camilo. When they got inside you gave the girl a fake smile along with her brother. You continue waiting on the wall when you heard someone walk up next to you. It was the blonde guy. " Are you waiting for someone or do you just not have a date? " he said leaning on the wall. " if you don't have a date I'd be  honoured to be the prettiest girl in the towns date " he said in a flirty tone. Camilo hit the wall from the other side. You heard the smack and said " Well sorry to say it but I already have a date. " you said looking away from the blonde guy. " let me guess it's that dumb Marigal boy " he said rolling his eyes. " trust me baby I'm much better then him. He added on leaning in for a kiss.

You slapped him. " ok well excuse me Camilo isn't dumb you and your sister is and don't call me baby I'm already dating someone so buzz off. " you said pushing him away from you. After he walked away Camilo came around the wall. " That was something. Never seen you snap like that without even yelling " he said then grabbing your hands. He then put your hands on the wall. As he had you pinned to the wall he got closer to your face. Butterflies filled your stomach as he never had done this before. You then kissed but the kiss quickly escalated to a make out. I guess people realized you two were missing cause Dolors,Isabela, Mirabelle and Antonio walked out and saw you guys from the stairs.

" Eeeeew~ " you heard little Antonio say. The kiss stopped as you both laughed at Antonio's comment. " Ew indeed Antonio Ew indeed " Mirabelle said as you two turned around. " Quit slobbering all over eachother and come join the party " Isabella said. " But it was just getting fun " Camilo said. " That our longest make out sessi- " you immediately covered his mouth. Dolors Isabela and Mirabelle laugh but Antonio said " What's a make out session? " Everyone paused at his comment. "

When you're older buddy " Mirabelle said patting his back with a shocked look. You took Camilos hand and headed up to the party. Once you got in there the two blondies were waiting for you both. You both let out a huge sigh. " What do you guys want " you said glaring at them both. " Well I want Camilo to dance with me and my brother wants to have your kids " the Little blonde girl said in her bratty tone. " No and No." Camilo said with a jealous looking face. " if anyone's gonna have Y/N's kids it's most certainly not gonna be some rich preppy snob who just met her " you looked over at Camilo while butterflies grew in your stomach. He ended up dragging you away from them and up to everyone else. " God those two are annoying." He said looking back at them. " Anyways..May I have this dance..again " he said bowing with his hand out. You smile at this and said " Hmmmm no " jokingly. He looked up shocked but took your hand after realizing it was a joke. You started dancing but the over heard Antonio asking Pepa and Felix what a make out session was.

They immediately turned their heads to you guys and looked back at Antonio. The music was so loud you almost couldn't hear but the one thing you could make out was " Where did you hear that word " and it came form Felix. Antonio pointed to you two and Pepa started walking over to you both. You both thought you saw god for a minuet but Pepa just flicked Camilo on the forehead and said " Don't expose Antonio to those words I was him to have an innocent childhood " and then she walked away. You were surprised at the reaction but continued dancing. It finally came close to the end of the night. Mirabelle ended up giving a speech about how grateful she was to have a wonderful family and wonderful friends. When you and Camilo got tired he picked you up (bridal style) and started walking to his room. Your eyes were shut but could tell he was looking at you and smiling. You ended up hearing Camilo getting pretty mad at someone. You heard his voice and Immediately knew who it was. It was the blonde guy who's name you already forgot. You still pretended to be asleep to listen in on the argument. " Did you drug her or something why are you leaving so early " the blonde guy said. " no I didn't drug her why would I drug my girlfriend. And second we're tired so I'm taking her to my room to sleep." Camilo said clearly irritated. " Why would she sleep with someone like you. She's probably just dating you cause she feels sorry " he said while blocking Camilos path. " Also she told me that she wanted to kiss me but knew she couldn't because she thought you would probably leave your room and see us" you and Camilo both knew he was lying because 1 he could hear us and 2 he wasn't even in his room. How stupid could this guy be?

" I know you're lying. I was behind the wall while you were bugging her " Camilo said getting more angry. " stupid puta " Camilo said under his breath. " Bro I like wasn't even bugging her I could tell she enjoyed my time she even slapped me so that is a good sign ". " Also I know she's into me because when she saw me she just want an excuse to talk to me so she purposely bumped into me. " the blonde guy said sounding pretty confident. You had enough so you said " Can you and your idiotic sister just leave us alone I didn't want to even socialize with you and frankly when I bumped into you I thought you were Camilo. Also I didn't wanna be rude so started talking to you and I'm only saying this once so clear your fucking ears. No me gustas ahora, ¿puedes conseguir eso a través de tu grueso cráneo que no me gustas y nunca lo haré! " ( I'm not into you now can you get that into your thick skull that I don't like you and never will ). You said finally snapping at this guy. He got out of the way surprised at your response and watched as you and Camilo walked to his room

Word count: 1480

Thanks for reading this one I'll try to update tomorrow at a reasonable time I know I always update at like 2-6am but that's because I can't really get sleep but thanks for reading this one and if there's any mistakes please tell me and again thank you to everyone who pointed out something that was incorrectly spelt I again fixed all the mistakes I could!!

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