Happy Birthday!!

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You woke up the next day to a knock on your door. " Y/N~~ " you heard someone call out from your door. Before you cold react your mother, brothers, and Camilo busted open the door and screamed " FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS Y/N ". You rubbed your eyes and smiled as Camilo gave you a big kiss on the cheek. " My family is inviting your family over for dinner since it's a special persons birthday! " he said while giving you a big hug. " Awww Camilo you shouldn't have ". You said blushing a bit. " But before anything I'm taking you out in a date! Our first official one " he said taking your hand and pulling you out of bed. " Wha- now?? " you said confused but excited at the same time. " yes now! We'll leave so y can get dressed ". Camilo said then leaving your room and shutting the door. " Ok ok what should I wear?!?! " you said going through everything in your closet. You then found the PERFECT dress

 You then found the PERFECT dress

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( this dress )

Once you put it on you put your hair in your favourite style and walked out. Camilo looked as if he had just saw a ghost when he saw you. " Did it hurt Bonita? ". He said looking deeply into your eyes. " What do you mean? You said confused. " when you fell down from heaven " he said still looking into your eyes. " You're so corny " you said giggling. " Yes but I know you love it " he said with a smirk. " Ok love birds leave before I throw up " Manny said rolling his eyes. " Jealous much? " you said as you left the house with Camilo. " I AM NOT JEA- " you were already gone by the time he finished screaming at you. " So... where are we going? " you said looking around town. " There was this beautiful place Dolores showed me behind the casita. It's just up a small hill and the boom ". He said walking up to the Casita. " Lead the way " you said taking his hand.

When you got to the place you were in awe. " Wow..it's so..beautiful " you said amazed. When you looked down at the ground you saw a little picnic set up. You immediately hugged Camilo. Then, you both sat down on the blanket. There was yellow butterflies swarming you two and you found it incredibly romantic. You were about to kiss Camilo but then a rustle in a close by bush startled you. " What was that? " you said a bit spooked. " What was what? " Camilo said probably as confused as you. You brushed it off and went in for another kiss. You heard the rustle again but this time it was louder. Camilo heard it and it spooked you both. The rustles got louder but then a little raccoon jumped out of the bush and ran away. You both let out a sigh of relief. But then, you heard a little sneeze. You both got up and inspected the bush. When you checked who was there you both were surprised to see Antonio, Dolores, and Mirabel. " We're you spying on us?! " Camilo said sounding a bit frustrated. " Dolores and Mirabel thought you guys were gon- " Antonio said but the cut of by Mirabel covering his mouth. " We came down to tell you everything is almost ready and you should start head back to the Casita. " Dolores said. " Next time don't hide in a bush " Camilo said holding your hand and walking to the Casita.

When you both got to the Casita everyone was already there. Julieta gave you a birthday crown then rushing to the kitchen to help Agustìn with his bee stings. You put the crown on and had a big smile. You both went up to Camilos room as you always do. You both knew if wouldn't have a lot of time before the party officially started so you both just laid down for a bit. After a while Alma came up to the door and opened it. You were about to sit up but Camilo pulled you back on the bed. You noticed Almas eyes tearing up as she had a warm smile on. " Time for dinner " Alma said leaving the door open. " Anothe race? " Camilo said smirking. " I'm wearing heels though " You said crossing your arms. " " Oh well" Camilo said taking your hand and walking to the dinner table.

When you both got to the table you had a big smile on. Once you sat down everyone started eating. ( incoming tiktok quote ). Camilo then raised his glass. " Let me say a toast to the girl I love most in the whoooooooleeee world... Y/N " he said then glancing at you. You blushed a bit as you watched him continue. " Y/N... I just want to wish you the happiest birthday of all time...And I love you " he said then dramatically bowing. You smiled " Thank you Camilo I love you too " After You finished you sentence you continued eating while holding Camilos hand.

Word count: 930

Hi guys I did add a couple tiktok quotes and let me know if you guys want me to say my tiktok acc. If I did it would be sort of a face reveal but I'm completely comfortable with it. If most people do want it I'll edit this and put it in at the bottom but thank you guys for the recommendations and thank you so so much for 3.77k views!!! I'm trying to update more often but with online school and not getting enough sleep is a bit hard. But again thank you so much everyone <3

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