Realationship Boundaries

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Once you and Camilo got back to his room he sat you down on his bed. " Should I sleep on the floor or?.. " he said curiously. " Did that preppy blonde boy really get to you? " you said letting out a little giggle. " Of course not " he said crossing his arms and looking away. " Just come lay down " you said rolling your eyes and backing up holding the blanket up. And laid down with you and cuddled you. You smiled and slowly fell asleep.

You woke up to hear arguing from outside the door again. You crept to the door and listened in on what was happening outside. " You can't have girls in your bed! " Abuela yelled. " It's not like we're gonna do anything " Camilo snapped back. " Pepa tell him he can't have women in his bed! " Abuela said turning her head to Pepa. " I don't mind as long as nothing bad happens the last thing we want is a teen pregnancy " Pepa said anxiously with a cloud forming over her head. " Atleast give some boundaries " Alma said furiously and walked away.

Camilo and Pepa were opening the door so you ran and jumped on the staged. Camilo went and sat on the stage with you as Pepa stood infront of you. " So..I'm gonna have to set some rules about you relationship " Pepa said with a slight smile. " So if you guys are gonna go to phase two of your relationship please tell me or Felix. So we can get you con- ". " MAMÁ WERE 15!! " Camilo interrupted. " I know but- "." Mamá can we just go to the next rule ". " Fine but still follow that one. Ok so rule two, Don't go slobbering all over each other in front of everyone. And three, for god sake ask her for consent " Pepa said then exiting. You and Camilo were basically tomato's and slowly glanced at each other. " I...I should go home to get a pair of clothes. Maybe you should come with so my mom can meet you " you said with a smile. Camilo was surprised at the offer but agreed.

Once you got to your house you quickly ran up to your room and got into your classic white skirt and light teal shirt. You ran downstairs and saw your mom talking with Camilo. You smiled at the sight and the both looked to you. " Uhm.. Mamá ¿Camilo puede quedarse a cenar? " ( can Camilo stay over for dinner? ) you asked crossing your fingers. "por supuesto cariño .. ¿Es tu novio? " ( of course he your boyfriend ) she said with a smug smirk. You started blushing but before you could say snything Camilo said " si en realidad soy su novio " ( yes actually, I am her boyfriend ) he said glancing at you then your mother.

" I- " you said too stunned to speak . " Ay perfect you guys hang out dinner will be done at 4 " your mom said clapping. You were blushing a lot as Camilo walked up to you. " So..Wheres your room? " he said intertwining your fingers. " its's up here. You guided him to your room. He laid down on your bed. " You're bed is so much more comfy then mine." He said stretching his arms. " Yours is too " you said organizing the books on your shelf. " But don't understand how comfy this bed is " he said rolling over facing you. " You must sleep like a Queen. " he said staring at you. You backed up looking at the shelf and suddenly felt arms slither around your waist. Before you could react Camilo pulled you into the bed by the waist. " Woah, what was that for? " you said his arms still around you waist. " I wanted you to lay with me ." He said with a little smirk. " Couldn't you have just asked? " you said confused. " You would've hushed me to look at the shelf " he said in a fake sad tone.

He flipped you over onto your back as you both looked up at the ceiling. He then lightly grabbed your chin turning your head to face him. Then he got closer to you and kissed you. The kiss very quickly became a make out. You moved yourself closer to him so he didn't have to hold your chin anymore. Since there was no Interruptions your kiss later a while with a couple breathers. When you finally stopped you blushed a lot. He just had a smug smirk on while looking at you blush. After staring at his freckles for a while you started cuddling him.
You heard a knock on your door and quickly got up. " Dinners ready "

Word count: 781
This was a short one sorry guys!!

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