Tobi The Tattle Tail

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" Dinners ready " you mom said while opening the door. " We'll be down in a second " you said to your mom as she walked away. " Ok so just a heads up I have 2 brothers, one older one younger" you said taking Camilos hand. "Cool. How much older? " Camilo said curiously. " Two years " you said scratching your neck. Once you got to the Dining room you saw your mom smirking at you while your brothers stared at Camilo in confusion. " Who's the boy? " your younger brother said. " Camilo " he said with a smile. " I'm Tobi and this is Manual but he goes by Manny.. He also doesn't like Y/N talking to guys " your little brother said. Manny huffed at what Tobi said. " So how did you and my sister meet " Manny said with a somewhat mad face. Well my tía Julieta is friends with your mother and Y/N is friends with Mirabelle so I met her through Mirabelle." Camilo said a bit nervous. You both sad down next to eachother across from your brothers.

" So Y/N...Él es tu novio "(is he your boyfriend) Manny said. " I- Uhm..Yes" you said clearly nervous. Manny then kicked your leg from under the table. " OW QUE MIERSA PERRAQ "(ow what the fuck bitch). You screamed slamming your hands on the table. "HEY IDIOMA SEÑORA JOVEN" ( hey language young lady ). Your mother screeched. You crossed your arms and started to eat. You looked over at Camilo and he looked traumatized. " Are you a Chameleon? " Tobi said. " Huh? " Camilo said confused. " Are you a Chameleon " Tobi said again. Camilo then turned his head to you as you were trying so hard to not laugh. " No I am no- " Camilo was about to say but Tobi interrupted " And are you Chameleon boy cause Y/N wouldn't stop talking about you and addressing you as Chameleon boy and she always said you were very good looking and she always wanted to date you. She also always talked about the freckles on your nose " Tobi said full on ratting you out. " Way to rat me out Tobi " you said rolling your eyes. " Camilo laughed and said " Oh really now..tell me more Tobi " Camilo said very interested. " I like this one " he whispered to you. " Ok! She talks about you non stop and always tried guessing how long yo- " Manny covered his mouth. You chocked know your food and Camilo immediately started rubbing your back. You were turning red and started rushing to eat your food. Your hand was under the table along with Camilos. He intertwined your fingers and just held your hand while you ate. You face was heating up and of course Manny noticed. He squinted his eyes at you both but continued eating. " Why are you red? " Tobi said. " I- no reason stop being nosy gilipollas " (asshat/douchebag). " Language " you mom said while eating. " what does gilipollas mean? " he said looking at you mom. " Not the time buddy not the time " you mom said continuing to eat. Camilo let go of your hand and lightly placed his hand on your thigh. He glanced over at you for consent and you just sat there looking at you food while turning red. " Y/N can you stop getting all lovey dovey touchy with your boyfriend and eat " Manny said. " also let us eat with our getting disgusted by you " he added on. " puta " you said under your breath. " .....Y/N " you mom said. " Alright I'm done " you said continuing to eat. Camilos hand still on your thigh. After eating you took Camilo back up to your room but before you entered Manny said " Don't even think about having sex ". " You immediately turned red. " MANNY WERE 15 " you screamed at him. " I DID IT WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE! " he snapped back. You rolled your eyes and went back into your room. " Of course he thinks we're gonna have sex because that's what Manny thinks. " you said pacing back and forth in your room. Camilo stopped you and threw you onto the bed. " Cuddle it out? " he questioned. " I can never say no to cuddles " you said. He big spooned like he had the last couple of times and you decided to face him.

Which you only did once because the last time you did you ended up kissing for a second. You wouldn't mind but you don't know if he would want that to happen again. Your also a bit shorter then him so you decide you would stay where you are currently so you don't wake up kissing. You ended up falling asleep and woke up to a knock on your door. You were gonna get up and get it but Camilo pulled you back down. "Don't leave me Bonita" he said still asleep. You found it sweet he was thinking of you so you stayed. You guessed it was your mom cause nobody knocked again. You waited for Camilo to wake up so you could give him a kiss. At least you thought he wasn't awake. You decided to give him a kiss anyways and his eyes opened. He quickly turned the kiss to a make out. He put you ontop of him so it would be easier to kiss. You heard something moving but you didn't think anything of if. Until the door opened. It was Manny. You stopped kissing Camilo and sat up to look behind you. " I KNEW IT! " " Knew what Manny can't we just have our moment?" You said clearly annoyed " no because that 'moment' is gonna turn into sex " he said crossing his arms.

" Manny I swear to god if you say me and Camilo are gonna have sex one more time I will beat the living shit out of you" " fine I'll stop I'm just making sure you don't". He said then leaning on the door frame. " you know just as well as I do that we aren't now please leave. You said crossing your arms
" fine, fine I'll leave you two alone ". Manny said then leaving. You looked back at Camilo and he was smirking while trying to hide his red face. You went back to kissing him. After a while of kissing you decided to go to sleep with you in his arms.

Word count: 1156

So this one was a kinda longer one. I wasn't able to write much yesterday because like I said there was a family thing going on but I be able to post today and tomorrow I think and hope but recently I haven't been able to sleep at all so hoping tonight I'll be able too but thank you to everyone who is voting and just reading my stuff it brings me so much joy to hear that people like my stuff. And when I saw that the info and stuff got 100 people seeing it I was ecstatic so thank you everyone!!

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