Chapter 2: Just like Universal Studios Japan?

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The last thing Emiko expected to see while standing at the entrance of the Unforeseen Simulation Joint was a group of villains stepping out of a haze of black fog. All around her swirled fear and panic, emanating even from Aizawa and Thirteen.

If the two pro's are afraid, something is clearly wrong.

Emiko shifted slightly to the front of the cluster of students, thankful she'd decided to wear her costume to the training day. She brushed her fingers over the weapon sitting tightly against her thigh, tested the weight of her first aid supplies strapped around her waist.

"Stay back. This is real, those are villains." Aizawa growled as a few of the students stepped forward. "So you scumbags used the press as cover and snuck onto campus."

The voices swirling around her threw her off balance momentarily, the combination of fear and panic and confusion a sickly sweet concoction dancing in her veins. She could barely focus on standing up right, let alone the conversation being had around her.

"13, get them out of here- and alert the main campus."

Aizawa's voice rang through the haze in her mind, stern tone breaking through her own budding panic. She swung her blue eyed gaze up and over, watching as each of her classmates shifted uncomfortably in place.

"What are you gonna do? You can't fight them on your own!" Midoriya exclaimed in distress, "It's too many of them. Even if you can nullify their Quirks, your fighting style is not suited for this, your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not gonna help with a group..."

"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick," Aizawa replied, eliciting a few gasps of surprise from Deku and the others. "I'll leave it to you, Thirteen."

Emiko stared wide eyed as Aizawa lept into action, his dark hair floating behind him as he flew through the air. His binding cloth flicked out, wrapping tightly around the first villain's ankles as he flung himself through the air.

She watched in awe as he took on a handful of villains at once, impressed with his fighting skills considering that his quirk was more effective in a distance battle. Her jaw dropped as he flung a four armed man effortlessly through the air, nullifying quirks with every step he took.

The fear surrounding her was tinged with awe as she and her fellow classmates watched their teacher in action. She was so focused on the battle in front of her she almost completely missed the black fog floating around her, the dark tendrils dancing around her ankles.

"Die!" Katsuki screamed, and Emiko turned just as he flew through the air, his palms alight with an explosion before he'd even reached the cause of the fog.


Emiko braced herself, watching as Katsuki and Kirishima disappeared in a puff of black smoke, and she winced as it surrounded her and the rest of her classmates. The smell of the fog burned the back of her throat, hot and acidic in her lungs as she breathed in. It smelt of ash and sulfur and it brought bile rising to the back of her throat.

As the fog disappeared, Emiko found herself sprawled on the ground, surrounded by crumbled rock and demolished buildings. A groan escaped her lips as she stood, crumpled stone falling off of her as she moved. She stood up quickly, unhooking the long wooden weapons from their holster on her thigh. She dusted off her thighs and back, swinging her gaze over the wide open area. She had to admit she was impressed with the USJ and it's innovation as she stared at what was clearly designed to imitate a landslide.

"Emiko." She heard a male voice call, and she turned to see Shoto Todoroki walking calmly towards her. His hand was in the one free pocket of his white pants and she smiled warmly at him as he stepped closer to her. "Are you okay?"

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