Chapter 9 - The Aftermath

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Chapter 9 - The Aftermath

The days after the sports festival were hazy, as if she was a spectator in her own mind. Using so much of her ability had made it near impossible to maintain consciousness after the fight, all of her energy had been completely sapped. Her head had lolled against her chest, eyes drooping shut.

She'd watched the highlights after she'd awoken, embarrassed. Blood had poured from her nose, streamed down her face and stained the front of her uniform. It dried around her lips, stained her teeth red as she screamed. Her eyes were wild and panicked, like a wild animal caught and caged. This feral image of her was a stranger, some maniac wearing her face and deceiving the world.

Sakura tried to keep it away from her, no doubt realizing the impact it would have.

"Emiko, really! Don't watch it!" Sakura called, rattling the locked door to her bedroom, pleading with Emiko to let her in to comfort and console her.

The young girl's mind reeled, a million thoughts flying through her head as she watched. She'd been in that stadium, had watched as her classmates fought, but had no recollection of the actual battles. She'd watched them - had seen the flicker of grief across Shoto's face as flames lit up his body, but she couldn't seem to grasp the memories.

Perhaps her mind was still foggy from painkillers, or maybe it was the concussion Shoto had given her in the same hit he'd broken her jaw. Either way, her head throbbed as she struggled to remember.

Returning to class hadn't been easy, either. Recovery Girl had ordered her to take a few days off, to try and give her splintered bones and bruised skin time to heal. Of course, this was met with great protest from Emiko.


"I'm fine- really! I'm totally good to go back to class!"

Recovery Girl only stared back at her, unblinking. The redhead hadn't been the first budding hero to use that line, and she knew she also wouldn't be the last. Trust a hero school to have students hell-bent on getting back to class no matter the shape they were in, rather than giddily accepting any excuse to miss out on classes.

"You have a partially fractured jaw, two black eyes, and bruises covering your entire body. You have a concussion."

It was straightforward and clear to everyone in the room. Everyone, it seemed, except Emiko.

She sighed loudly, "Then give me another smooch or two and let me go back!"

"Emiko, really!" Sakura scolded, landing her brown eyed gaze on her niece. "You have a broken jaw - stop talking!"

A grumble escaped her lips, but she didn't respond. She wasn't a total moron, after all.

Recovery Girl sighed, resting her frail hand on Emiko's bruised forearm. "Just because I let you watch the fights earlier, doesn't mean you're ready to start training again. You were seriously injured, young one. You and your classmates are all being given a few days to recover from your injuries. I suggest you make good use of those to rest up."


It had been devastating, realizing she was right. She wasn't in any condition to go back to training, nor was she ready to see her classmates again. The last time they'd seen her, she'd been in a wheelchair covered in blood and blankets. She'd surely looked a mess, and it made her stomach turn with anxiety.

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