Chapter 13- Vs. The Hero Killer pt. 2

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a/n: Hello friends - I know we usually only post on Saturdays - but today is a special day. Hemza and I just hit 1k reads over on Fanfiction.Net, and so to celebrate, we wanted to give you all some extra juicy reads before our regularly scheduled update. We hope you enjoy it, and thank you for your continued support <3

Shoto had never seen anything quite as terrifying as the sight in front of him. Emiko was half collapsed on the ground, blood seeping from a gaping wound in her ribs. She stared blankly down the alleyway, her eyes glazed over.

Her hair had fallen in messy waves around her face, drooping in a way it hadn't only moments before. He knew that wasn't a good sign, knew that her quirk had given out with the surprise and shock of the attack.

Please be okay. Please, please, please.

He wanted to run to her, but his legs wouldn't move. Fear held them in place, like concrete weights were tied to his ankles. It was excruciating, watching her. Seeing her blood spill from her sides, that torn skin on her side staring him right in the eye.

Move, damnit. This isn't how this is supposed to go.

One step forward. His heart thundered in his chest, panic festering in his gut.

She moved her mouth, but no words made their way to his ears. Blood seeped from her lips, splattering onto the front of her hero costume.


His green eyed classmate turned, wide eyed and terrified. His hands were trembling, tears pooling behind his mask of bravery.

"I need you to go get her. I'll distract Stain."

He gritted his teeth, letting the flames he normally kept hidden wash over his body. It was unnerving, seeing something that could cause so much pain pouring from his skin, but he knew that fire was the only way he could distract Stain long enough.

"Okay, now, Midoriya!"

He stretched his arm out, pouring flames down the narrow alley. He watched Izuku move from his peripheral vision, green lighting mixing with the orange glow burning into the dark night sky.

Please, bring her back. Get her to me and I'll make sure she's okay. Don't let her die.

Midoriya was back in the blink of an eye, settling the red haired girl gently onto the concrete, before flying back into battle.

Shoto turned his gaze away from the fight, glancing down at her limp frame. Blood pooled around her, too much blood. He bent down, pulling her up and into his arms. His hand rested against the back of her head, fingers tangled slightly in her matted hair. Blood coated her chest, tangled in her vibrant mane of hair and seeped through the fabric of her brand new costume, something he knew she'd be upset about later.

"Hey, hey." He whispered against her hair, "You're okay. It's okay. Everything's going to be fine. I'm gonna get you fixed up, okay?"

He could feel her shift slightly, her lips moving as if she was trying to speak. Whisper soft breaths tickled his cheek, ruffled his hair. It would've tickled, had it not been so fucking terrifying.

"This might hurt a bit, but it's going to be okay." He mumbled, tightening his grip on her ever so slightly. "I'm sorry."

Slowly, so slowly, Emiko lifted her blood soaked hand up to his cheek. The sticky warmth coated his face, her fingers brushing up against the edge of his scar. It was uncomfortable, having someone touch his face in that way. Nobody, not even his mother had ever been close enough to him to touch the burned area of skin over his left eye. He sighed, allowing her touch to calm his rapidly beating heart for only a moment, before shifting her weight. He could feel her struggling to hold her head up, tearing his heart to shreds as she fought against the pain she was feeling.

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