Chapter 20 - Training Is Hard Work

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 Though they'd spent most of the morning chatting and getting acquainted with her quirk, Emiko was thoroughly exhausted by the end of the day.

Mandalay had made her stand perfectly still as she'd moved around her, occasionally jabbing a fist in her direction while Emiko tugged at the strings connecting her to her classmates. Eventually, she'd been made to cover her eyes with a soft black bandana, and had plugged her earphones in as Mandalay played music softly through them.

"The more distractions you have, the weaker your quirk is. So - let's start there!"

She'd spent hours like that, dripping in sweat as the sun bore down on her. After, when Mandalay had finally removed the bandana and earphones, she'd brought Emiko's hidden senses back slowly so as not to overwhelm her.

They'd gulped down ice cold water, stuffed their mouth full of some of the most delicious rice Emiko had ever tasted, chatting animatedly between the two, discussing how the Pussycats came to be.

"I know Aizawa said that this was quirk training, but how would you feel about some one on one combat work?"

Of course Emiko had nodded eagerly, quickly tearing off the long sleeved top covering her arms and back, before tying it around her waist. Mandalay began to run, dashing towards the tree line. They must have run 15 kilometers before they stopped, both women pressing their backs against a tree in a desperate bid to catch their breath.

"I'm impressed you could keep up with me, well done!" Mandalay had cooed, splashing some water from a nearby creek on her face.

They'd made their way back to camp more slowly, still jogging - but taking breaks periodically. They spoke as they ran, and Emiko had found herself divulging some of what made her want to be a hero to begin with. As they stepped out of the cool, tree lined boundary, she felt it again.

"Mandalay?" she whispered, stopping suddenly. "I think I should tell you this, but please don't freak out, okay?"

She explained the barrier and how it worked, filled her new mentor in on the strange, lurking presence she felt nearby. Mandalay only sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Okay, kid. Thanks."

They spent the rest of the afternoon working on hand to hand combat, though occasionally she was blindfolded and forced to use her quirk. As the day wore on and a migraine formed behind her eyes, blood had begun to drip down her nose and chin, settled onto the gentle curve of her chest and collected on the edge of her sports bra.

"You look like shit, Komatsu!" Katsuki called, stomping over to her as she lay on the dusty ground with an arm slung over her eyes.

She only glared, still angry at the way he'd spoken to her before they went to their internships.

"What is that on your side, red?" His gaze was settled on the massive scar, "That wasn't there during the sports festival."

"Wow, Katsuki. I had no idea you gave a fuck about a nobody like me!" She cheerily retorted, pressing herself up off the ground and dusting herself off before turning to level him with a patented snarl. "It's none of your fucking business, Sparky. You and I are not friends, so don't go acting like you give a shit about me now."

She spat the words, not missing the way his eyes widened slightly as she cursed at him. Not many people stood up to him and she understood why, but the way he spoke to her infuriated her.

"Maybe if you'd pull your head out of your ass once in a while you'd know that already, though. See you around," she finished, turning her back on the blonde boy standing still in front of her. If she had looked closer, though, she would have noticed the way his hands were fisted at his sides.

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