Chapter 4 - That's the Idea, Emiko

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A/N: Oh hi, friends! Darian here :) I'm one of the authors of Affinity, and I run the Wattpad side of things (Hemza, the other author, runs the show over on Fanfiction.Net). Our original plan was to post one chapter a week, starting on the 1st of January but we wanted to give you some more content to sink your teeth into. We're so excited for you all to get to know Emiko and her story, and even more excited for you to experience it all through our eyes. Thank you for stopping by xo 

Chapter 4 - That's the Idea, Emiko

Part of the allure of going to UA was their Sports Festival. Once Quirks became the norm, competitions like the Olympics slowly slipped off the radar, with Quirk-focused events like the UA Sports Festival proving to be a diversion that captured the imagination of the masses much more than old sporting events could have. For Emiko, it presented a credible opportunity for her to make an impression and get a good internship and all the doors that would open. For others, like Shinso, it was an opportunity for them to prove they belonged in a more advanced class than where they were assigned.

Emiko's head still swam with thoughts of the recent events at the USJ, as news coverage continued on the attack and her classmates swapped stories of their experiences up against the villain. Aoyama still stuck to his tactic of keeping his involvement in that day's event a secret, which left a terrible taste in her mouth.

All the pre-class chatter died down once Iida demanded they all be seated, which was already the case, and the chatter picked up again, as each student began speculating who might take Aizawa's place while the homeroom teacher recovered from his various gruesome injuries sustained from the USJ attack.

Their questions were cut short when Aizawa himself walked in, bandages covering his face and his arms in bandages and slings. Pain lanced through Emiko as she stared at him, noting the way he seemed to limp with every step. Each of the students in the room no doubt felt the same, each of their hearts straining with the image of their teacher being nearly turned to dust only a day or so earlier.

She could still see him, flying through the air as though he had wings, his scarf snapping in an imagined breeze.

His suspenseful reveal of the Sports Festival brought about conversation about the logic of holding the Festival, and its importance to the students. Emiko couldn't help but have her own set of questions. It seemed to her that the school quite clearly didn't care about the ramifications of the attack. They only cared about upholding and maintaining their image and their status in the community, which left a pit of irritation in her stomach as she pondered the peculiar circumstances the students found themselves in. Lost in her own thoughts, the morning passed by as the remainder of her classmates were collectively distracted by their excitement for the Sports Festival.

Once lunch came, the excitement bubbled over as they all talked among themselves. The biggest surprise was the intensity with which Uraraka approached the excitement.

"I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!" The anti-gravity hero shouted, pumping a fist in the air determinedly.

"YEAH, ME TOO!" Emiko shouted with a full mouth as she was still working on her bento box, raising her spare hand. The slight gasp from Momo at her lack of manners was not missed by Emiko, who merely chuckled at ruffling the prim and proper girl's feathers a bit.

In all the years of their friendship, Emiko had never understood how someone as polite and mild mannered as Momo seemed to put up with someone as rowdy and chaotic as the Komatsu family.

Some of the others filtered out to make their way down to the cafeteria to get some of Lunch Rush's food, as the others who'd brought their own lunch in began working on theirs.

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