Chapter 42 - Forgiveness

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"Go away, Deku!" Katsuki's voice echoed, bouncing off the walls of the hallway leading to her room. He'd taken to camping out there a few days after they returned and he acted as her own personal doorman. She couldn't complain, really, but it was about time for her to start letting people back in.

"Kacchan, let me in!" Midoriya yelped, the pair of voices startling Emiko from her day dream.

"Katsuki, let him in." Emiko called, laughing lightly as she heard a grumble and a pair of stomping footsteps outside her door.

"Hey, Emiko. Thanks." Midoriya grinned, stepping into her room. He padded across the room, stepping around the plethora of pillows piled high.

"Sorry about those." She smiled sheepishly, patting the corner of her bed. "You can sit here if you want."

A blush crept over his face and Emiko wished she could feel his embarrassment, and she cursed her quirk for staying hidden still. It lived in her veins, thrumming with each beat of her heart, but she couldn't use it. It faded each time she reached for it, those threads she'd grown used to feeling just outside her reach.

"So, listen, Emiko. I just wanted to come here and apologize." Midoriya stammered, avoiding her gaze. "For, well... for what happened after you and Katsuki got taken."

Why does he think he needs to apologize for that?

"I should have helped more, should've come to see you and helped get you out of a bad situation." He continued, rambling slightly and waving his hands in the air.

"Shut up."


"Shut up, Izuku." Emiko growled, allowing irritation to seep into her voice. "You don't get to blame yourself for this. So just... just shut up!"

Izuku's eyes widened slightly as her voice raised and irritation seeped in, "Have you ever stopped to consider that you are not to blame for every bad thing that happens, Izuku?" She mumbled, consciously softening her voice. "If you had've come for me, Katsuki would have been alone. He needed you more than I did, so I'm glad you guys got to him."


"No. No buts, Izuku. You are not to blame. I promise, I hold no ill will towards you or anyone else who came to help us."

"It's my responsibility to help, though, Emiko. To... to stop him." Spite filled his voice at the last word, and Emiko laughed.

"You can say his name, Izuku. All for One. It's fine, I'm not going to drop dead if I hear it."

She wished that were true, wished with every fiber of her being that just the sound of his name didn't pierce through her chest. Wished that hearing it, again, didn't threaten to tear her to shreds. It felt like a knife in her gut, twisting.

"All... for one." He whispered, carefully scanning her face.

"And... well, it isn't just your responsibility, not really."

She paused, measuring her next words carefully. She'd known for a time that Izuku and All Might were entangled, anyone with half a brain cell could put that together. She didn't know how, or the full reasons why, but she knew. "I don't know everything, and I don't expect you to tell me - but you aren't the only one who's responsible for bringing him down. Every hero, every pro - each and every one of them has a responsibility to do that same thing. I know All Might has put a lot of pressure on you-" she paused, catching her breath. "Just know that no matter what, you have my unwavering support. I know that you have what it takes to bring him down, and I believe in you."

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