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When she'd learnt that both Katsuki and Shoto had both failed their exams, Emiko had nearly gone into shock. Two of the most qualified, talented students she knew had failed? While others, like Mineta, had passed? It didn't make any sense to her. As far as she was concerned, there was no reason for it.

Sure, she hadn't been there. Hadn't witnessed what caused their failures with her own two eyes, and no matter what any of her classmates said she refused to believe what they said about it. There was no way that either of them would have slipped up in such a way that it would cost them something they'd worked their entire short lives for - what Shoto had been created for. No matter what, she believed that.

"Are you coming, red?" Katsuki shouted, pausing his dramatic stomping to the front door of the looming building in front of them. Today was the first day of their remedial training, something Emiko had only been cleared for the day before. Eraserhead had fought for her right to participate and won, something she was more grateful for than she could ever say.

"Shut up, would ya?" She taunted, brushing past him quickly. The blonde haired boy scoffed, rolling his red eyes. "Stupid." She mumbled the last bit under her breath, fighting back laughter as he stopped dead in his tracks and held his hand out, preparing to challenge her to a fight.

She turned, watched him open his mouth before a burst of freezing air swirled around them, and the sound of beating wings forced her head to turn. Just off to their left stood a girl - one no older than them, with a sharp yellow gaze glaring at Katsuki, arms folded over her chest.

"What do you think your doing, Katsuki Bakugo?"

At the sound of his name, Katsuki swings his gaze over to the girl and lets out a low sound, almost like a snarl. The silence stretches between the pair, edging towards Emiko and a still silent Shoto, each taking in the girl in front of them. Her wingspan rivals that of even Hawks, no doubt at least 10 feet across and her hair shimmers in a stunning blue-white hue around her sharp features. White fabric clings to her chest and legs, cut outs on her chest and thighs framed in gilded gold fabric, matching the golden halo that frames her head like a crown.

She looks like an angel.

"Who are you?" Katsuki grumbles, small sparks erupting in the palm of his hands. "Just another extra who failed their exam?"

The girl almost looks like she wants to laugh, but she instead folds her delicate hands behind her back, just under the edge of her wings and Emiko sees for the first time the tiny icicles hanging off their ends - and realizes that she is more than just a pair of sharp eyes and daunting wings. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Her voice is soft, like falling snow. It settles around them, sends hair standing up on their arms and the back of their neck. She has a teasing tone to it, amusement evident in her gaze as she stares at the blonde boy who is nearly trembling with rage.

"I'll see you all inside. Don't be late!"

Mystery girl sends a soft smile in her direction and steps past she and Shoto, cold air following behind her as she does. Shoto barely glances in her direction, eyes still focused forwards towards Bakugo and his scowl. With a grimace, Emiko steps past him, careful to keep her gaze on the floor. They still haven't spoken - no matter how desperately she misses him and wants to make amends, she doesn't want to push it on him.

"Come on," she sighs, "Both of you."

Shoto falls into step beside Bakugo much to the blonde's chagrin, his face still lined with anger. He's grumbling under his breath, but Emiko doesn't have the time or the energy to care. They're running late - only a few minutes, sure, but still late. She may not have a quirk, but she still has her name and her pride.

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