Chapter 12: Vs. The Hero Killer

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Please note: There will be depictions of injury/blood/gore and mentions of death in this chapter. Please use your best judgement here <3

Emiko felt the panic of the crowd before she heard the sound of the explosion. It ran through her like a current, dancing under her skin. She could also feel Shoto and Endeavor tense up beside her, both slipping into their hero modes. The three took off running, pressing through the crowd racing away from the now roaring flames.

"Shoto, Empath - stay close to me." Endeavor's voice was stern, but Emiko couldn't help the feeling that came over her at the sound of her hero name. Joy and excitement bubbled through her, masked only by a thin veil of panic. Neither of the students said anything, following behind the pro. Suddenly Shoto stopped, hand reaching into the pockets of his hero costume.

"What's up, Shoto? Why'd you stop?" Her voice was barely audible over the screams of the crowd. She tried to hide the panic growing in her, tried to make it seem as though she wasn't phased at all by the swirling emotions - something that Shoto clearly realized, judging by the quirk of his eyebrow.

He turned his phone towards her face, allowing her to scan a message from Midoriya. It was a location, and nothing else. A heavy feeling of dread settled into the pit of her stomach as she stared at it.

What did you get yourself into this time, Midoriya?

"Stay with him, Empath. You'll be safer that way." He went to turn away, to slip into the crowd. Before he could, her hand grabbed onto his wrist, tightly. Her blue eyes flashed wildly at him, tears threatening to spill over the edge.

"No. We're doing this together. I'm not letting you go alone - where you go, I go." He rolled his eyes slowly, before shouting the address to his father. He linked his fingers with hers, tugging her along behind him.

"Send as many pro's as you can there, I have a feeling we'll need back up!" Emiko shouted quickly, "I'm gonna stick with Shoto. But don't expect me to report back any time soon."

She smirked at him, relishing the surprised look on Endeavour's face before slipping into the crowd behind Shoto. The pair of students sprinted down side streets and through alleys, hearts thumping wildly in their chests. They turned the last corner, stumbling into an enclosed alleyway. He dropped her hand, and she felt a little sad.

Darkness clung to the edges of her vision, but she could still make him out. The anger and fear and panic in the crowded space was overwhelming, and the sounds of screaming civilians in the background didn't help her keep control of her quirk, which was quickly slipping out of her grasp.

Sentiment roared to life in her veins, screamed in the back of her mind as she stared out at the desolate alley.

Is that...?

"Iida!" Her voice was loud and sharp, breaking off at the end in a strangled cry.

Her friend was laying on the concrete, blood pooling around him. She could feel the hatred and anger and rage wafting off of him. It was overwhelming, red hot, and painful. The villain standing over him had a sword pointed to his back, already dripping blood onto the stark white of his suit.

"Get away!" Midoriya screamed, face contorting painfully from his position in the alley a few feet away. As the villain turned to him, a wall of fire flew down the narrow brick alley, almost singing the villain as it spiraled. Emiko smirked softly, before scurrying to the pro on the ground. She quickly wrapped some bandages from her first aid kit around his wound, making sure he was applying pressure.

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