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a/n: Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday Affinity! I know a chapter hasn't come for a while, and I do apologize. Christmas and turning 25 have really kicked my ass this month. As a treat I made an extra long chapter for y'all. It's something I've wanted to have happen since the beginning stages of planning and I'm pretty happy with how it's played out. Today marks a year of Affinity and what a year it's been. Thank you all so much for sticking with me this year. Affinity has changed my life and I am so glad I get to share a part of my life with you. I hope this year gives you all what you've been wishing for and showers you with light and love.

Xo, D.

"Any questions?" Sayuri grinned, folding her arms over her chest. Emiko stood still, waiting for the noise to begin as she knew it would. She knew Katsuki well enough to know he would soon start yelling, cursing her out for besting him in combat. She knew it as well as she knew the back of her own hand, as well as she knew that Shoto's mind was running a mile a minute thinking of ways to beat the winged girl standing in front of them now.

"Solitaire," A broad shouldered boy clad in burgundy spoke, stepping forwards slowly. "We know your counterparts quirk - what is yours if you don't mind me asking?"

The way he spoke reminded her of Tenya, warm and formal. She could see this boy bowing to anyone he deemed of higher status than him - though that formality was noticeably absent as he gazed upon the two girls in front of him.

Solitaire grunted lowly, unfolding her arms from their position over her chest and sucking in a deep breath. "I am only going to say this once, so you'd all better listen closely. My quirk, Crinis, affords my hair all the qualities of a diamond. It is as strong as a diamond and is capable of growing incredibly fast. I can use it as a shield or a weapon - and, should it be cut while my quirk is not active I am able to grow it back at a moments notice."

As Emiko looked at her she could see it, the way her hair reflected light, sending tiny beams of refracted light scattering around her like a million tiny rainbows. Her hair is a diamond itself, strong and beautiful and resilient. Emiko's mind was whirling, thinking about the practical applications of a quirk like that and how she was expected to apply Solitaire's knowledge to herself.

"Well, aren't you a quiet bunch?" Eos laughed, stepping forwards slowly. "I was expecting far more questions from you lot... especially from you at UA."

Eos is gazing at Emiko quizzically, her golden eyes narrowed. She is suddenly self conscious, forcing her bare arms to cover her stomach in an attempt to hide. Not for the first time she wishes she had her hair to hide behind again - missing the security her red curls had afforded for years.

"Emiko Komatsu, hero name Empath. Quirk: Sentiment." Eos stepped forwards, the cool air from her wings dancing around Emiko and forcing goosebumps to prickle on her skin. "Right?"

Emiko nodded, forcing her hands to fold in front of her politely, attempting to hide the nerves that were threatening to take over. Eos only smiled, before tearing her gaze away from Emiko and running it over her other two classmates.

"Can anyone tell me why you are all here?" Eos spoke, her hands swishing lightly through the air as she meandered across the open space in front of the gathered students. Silence filled the air and Sayuri let out a small laugh. "Oh, of course. I forgot - I am talking to a handful of hero hopefuls. Most of you don't think it's possible to do anything wrong because of your powers so I'll spell it out for you."

Her voice hardens and she narrows her gaze again, stepping back towards Sumiko and away from the students she'd been sent there to teach.

"In almost every single circumstance, each of you allowed your ego to become inflated. You did not fail your provisional exam because you were too weak. You did not fail because you have a bad quirk. You did not fail because of anything aside from your own unwillingness to pull yourself together and to think like a hero." If Emiko had access to sentiment, she was sure she'd feel rage simmering in Sayuri as she spoke. "You all possess fantastic quirks - ones, that used correctly, will allow you to become great and powerful heroes."

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