Chapter 28 - Origins of Nothing pt. 2

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 Her mother and father were high school sweethearts and had met in her mothers first year at UA. Her mother had been in general studies, alongside her aunt Sakura. The two had struck up some sort of friendship, with the elder girl eventually introducing her new friend to her older brother, Hisato. Hisato had been infatuated with Mara from their first meeting, her red hair a stark contrast to his dark.

The way her father told it was that he tried desperately to win her mothers affections for months, bringing her flowers and snacks to class almost every day. He'd had his sister help him learn to make bento, something he knew she would love to get as a foreign student. He learned her favourite flowers and songs and activities, studied up on the fiery redhead in General Studies before asking her on a date. Her mother had said no, in the beginning. Hisato told his daughter it had taken several tries to convince his now wife to go on a date with him.

Mara, however, told the story differently. She said that Hisato was incredibly awkward - almost painfully so. His face would burn red anytime she was around, and he couldn't seem to converse with her like a normal person. She told her daughter that she'd sent letters home to her father, telling him all about the strange Japanese boy who couldn't look her in the eye. She claimed to have been flirting with him for months - much to Sakura's dismay. She said she brought him American snacks that her father had sent her, and she said that she said yes the very first time Hisato had managed to ask her out.

These stories were told at almost every family dinner, while her mother and father and aunt crowded around the dinner table in the house. Sakura laughed and teased her older brother and sister in law, because she remembered it differently than they both did.

Tonight was no exception. Shoto sat beside Emiko, his hand resting gently on her knee. Her parents sat across from them in their living room, bickering animatedly. Sakura rested on the arm of the couch beside her niece, laughing at the scene in front of her.

Hisato was tickling her mother mercilessly, causing her mothers vibrant hair to fan out wildly across the couch. Mara was laughing wildly, teeth glittering in the overhead lights. The sight made Emiko's heart ache. She couldn't wait for a future where she and Shoto could do that in front of their children.

"I think we'll have a boy and a girl," She sighed, resting her head against his chest.

"Yeah?" she could hear the smile in his voice at the admission.

"Yeah." She answered, her eyes threatening to tear up at the idea. "I think you'd be a great dad to a little girl."

"And a little boy?" He finished for her, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"And a little boy." She answered, letting her eyes drift slowly shut to the sound of his heart beating softly.

"God, 'sato." Sakura laughed, leaning forwards slightly. Emiko was startled out of her daydream, gazing around her living room again. "You really think you were slick?" Her aunt was teasing, a soft smile dancing across her lips. Emiko gazed up at her, trailing her eyes over the harsh bun sitting at the nape of her aunt's neck. She was still draped in the suit she wore for work - cream linen hugging her every curve, meeting taupe heels on her daintily crossed feet. Her aunt was a prosecutor, and she worked alongside some of the most successful heroes in the industry. In fact, she was working a case with Shoto's father now - which seemed to be dragging on if the bags lining her aunt's eyes was any indication.

"I was, Saku!" Hisato crowed, "You're just an idiot and can't understand my prowess."

"Hisato," her mother cooed, sitting up from her place on the couch. "You were not slick and it's a wonder we've been married for as long as we have." She stood then, her navy pants pooling around her ankles. She stepped delicately over her fathers legs, bare feet padding across the pale wooden floors.

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